First-mover advantage is certainly one way to start. But that evaporates if your competitors get to see your friggen source code each step of the way.
A casino license is another way to differentiate EDG from others.
If EDG wants to have both (code+license) before they launch, no reason to disclose code until they have the license.
Once they launch, code is necessarily disclosed (and the test versions are of course available on the test networks if you'd like to decompile them)
예. 알겠습니다.
질문은 해두었는데 아직 답이 없네요. 답 오면 바로 말씀드리겠습니다.
vip 님 기다리실 것 같아서....
문의는 했으나 답을 못받고 있습니다.
대신 다른 사람의 답글을 통해서 대략적인 추측은 가능할 것 같습니다.
대략적 추측은 어떤가요?
xedge0xless5h183 님의 답글 가운데에서 발췌 ....
First-mover advantage is certainly one way to start. But that evaporates if your competitors get to see your friggen source code each step of the way.
A casino license is another way to differentiate EDG from others.
If EDG wants to have both (code+license) before they launch, no reason to disclose code until they have the license.
Once they launch, code is necessarily disclosed (and the test versions are of course available on the test networks if you'd like to decompile them)
저도 비슷한 생각은 했었습니다. 대략 이렇게 이해하면 될 것 같군요
감사합니다^^ 혹 답변이 오면 그때도 부탁드리겠습니다 ㅎ