in #kingdomofgod6 months ago

all these political systems are corrupt! Where is the healthy fruit IN ANY OF IT, LEFT OR RIGHT? Conservative or liberal? For the record I don't ascribe to the false right-left paradigm or the Hegelian Dialectic, I don't live in that universe, we need to transcend this mess which is only possible in Christ. BEING ekklesia. All that said, lets be real, "you know a tree by it's fruit..." All I see in politicking is satanic control, flesh exaltation, and reprobation. Calling what is evil good and good, evil... but of course, putting virtue signaling spin on it!
We have been given over to ourselves as JUDGEMENT (Ro. 1:18-32 ) for rejecting God and His ways! Yes, God is long suffering, nonetheless, the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever!" Gen. 6:3. As in the days of Noah so it is now. Deal with the truth.
Be honest, what do you see? How's the "Great Reset" working for us? Wars, hatred for neighbor, violence, perversion, serving lust, pride, selfishness, corrupt education, corrupt laws, unhinged propaganda, replacement migration, moral degradation, abuse, divorce, celebrated sodomy, gender confusion, murder of children, economic disaster and control, political tyranny, PLANdemic medical tyranny, climate tyranny, religious tyranny, mental illness at an all time high, false social justice, empty virtue signaling, frequency and 5G pollution, Geo-engineering, trans-humanism, AI technology off the rails, failing infrastructure, etc. This is what's happening all around us and we are crying about how someone "hurt my feelings!" Wow. Do we not fear the Lord!??? When will the "church" be salt and light again instead of, as the metaphor goes, being "drowning men try to save drowning men?"
Solution: repentance, amending our ways individually and being the difference regardless of what others do. WE WILL ALL STAND BEFORE THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST OR THE GREAT WHITE THRONE FOR JUDGEMENT to give an account... a sobering notion.