Anime review: "Kill la Kill" (GOOD)

in #kill7 years ago

Series in one sentence:
It's soft porn.

Series in more sentences:
A girl goes off looking for her father's murderer with nothing but a few clues. She knows to find the answers she needs at the high school building towering over the poor city of Tokyo Bay, which is ruled by a feared warrior. With half a giant scissors and a living costume that enhances her strength, she agrees to fight whoever crosses her path in exchange for the truth.


The question is if the weird story appeals to me or just everything else. And I'll answer that question right away; it's everything else.

The animation, the dialogue, the main character's friend, it's all gold. As uncomfortable the first half-naked appearance of the main character made me feel (in most animes, things can only go downhill from there on) you get used to the perverted jokes and imagery. The anime's excuse as to why we're seeing so much ass and underboob was good enough for me.
The action scenes were fast and entertaining, like the movements of the characters in general, and this alone made it worth watching. It felt like a healthy mix of anime and Western animation.

Nevertheless, Kill la Kill is not for everyone. The comedy won't make up for all the kinky clothing if that kind of thing tends to distract you.