KnowHow Chain weekly accomplishment report (16th of AUG to 31st of AUG)

in #khc7 years ago

Technical development progression
1, KnowHow Chain Web and mobile wallet enables various of function and account
2, Accomplish RPC test program
3, Accomplish the variance analysis for Token economic ecology.
4, Accompalish start DAPP support for KnowHow Chain’s cooperative partner
5,Accompalish the storage part of Graphene development

6,Accompanish the arithmetic design for the exchange from Impeachment system to satisfactory rating

7, Accompanish the diary part of Knowhow Chain

Community construction:
1, Total number of users in Telegram(2 groups): 97239 people. Monthly new users: 237 people.
2, An addition of 100+ users to Knowhow Chain’s Wechat group. (In total of 15 groups)
3, Accompalish the article ’Block Chain—the reborn of crowdfunding’.
4,Coorperated with several finance media including ‘Shilian Finance Media’, ‘BKBT’, ‘Jinniu Finance Media’.

Media Reports
1, Knowhow Chain CEO Xie Hongzhong shared a speech called ‘Blockchain+Enpower the real economy' with CO-FOUNDER Mr Shentu Qingchun. The speech was reported widely on the major blockchain media including ‘Shilian Finance Media’,‘Jiedian’.ect
2, The article-‘Blockchain---the reborn of Crowdfunding’ was widely spread within the industry. Moreover, Xiehongzhong from Knowhow Chain, Da Hongfei from Xiaoyi, Gong Ming, was listed as the KOL in transformation from Crowdfunding industry to Blockchain industry。

Upcoming Events
1,Knowhow Chain is planning to launch a ‘Live vedio’ with one of the top 10 Exchange
2, Knowhow Chain will hold an event called ‘Blockchain + Education’. Many famous Entrepreneur and KOL in education industry would be invited to discuss Blockchain+Education, as well as Knowhow Chain’s DAPP exploration.