KETOJACK #1 - WHY Sugar is as Bad as Alcohol
Welcome to my first Keto Jack post.
I promote a keto lifestyle or put another way a low carb, moderate protein and high GOOD fat diet that has been shown to tackle obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and chronic illnesses (not the least of which cancer).
I will post and repost what I normally post on my facebook page showing the science behind why I believe we need to change nearly everyone's diet away from refined and/or processed sugars and get back to REAL FOOD.
Stay tuned!
I cut down on sugar quite dramatically a while ago and within a few weeks with a bit of exercise shed about 8kg. Thanks for posting
And I bet you were amazed at how easy it was to shed the weight! Congrats!
Look forward to hear more on this... have followed 👍🏻
Awe, thanks!
I've been doing keto for about six months now. It's made my life so much better!
So happy to hear that!
I've been doing Keto for over a year now and lost 100 lbs. It definitely changed my life. Following along to see your content.
WOW!!! That's an amazing story! I bet your before and after pictures are amazing! Serious CONGRATULATIONS!
Thank you. I still have another 40 lbs or so to go but I'll get there.