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RE: Keto: Trendy Instagram Hype Or Serious Nutritional Concept? Sharing My Unpopluar Opinion

in #keto6 years ago

Very well said. Often one of the main problems is the lack of common sense. Also people don't have the time for (or better said: don't want to invest so much time in) educating themselves about healthy and sustainable nutrition. They just follow the next hype like:

If Halle Berry does it, it can't be wrong.

What they forget about is that all these celebs are paid for their promotion. Supposedly none of them would ever effectively go on keto for the above mentioned reasons.

Thanks for your time, I really enjoy this conversation.
Btw, after having a quick look at your blog I decided to follow you :-)


I enjoy it too. It's great to have conversations with people who are willing to look past whatever they have in front of them and see through these trends that are everywhere. I believe now more than ever, people are being influenced by Hollywood and the next trend these entertainers follow.
It used to be girls that ended up anorexic due to the unrealistic image super-models and actresses portrayed. But nowadays it's even more dangerous because the internet, social media like Twitter and Facebook and such just seems to be full with people who are very good at telling others how they should look. Having a teenage daughter and another one getting there soon enough, I am very much aware of this and I am terrified to be honest because you can't watch them 24/7.
So I hope by informing them as much as I can all the time, that somewhere down the line they will filter things
out that can benefit them and by showing them that I trust them to make the right decisions when faced with peer pressure and such.
It's always an ongoing battle. I even got rid of the TV for that very reason, it's really all rubbish they're showing.

Thank you for the follow, I really appreciate that! We did meet briefly at last year's Steemfest, but yeah very briefly :) I did enjoy your talk then.