5 Myths About Healthy Nutrition

in #keto3 years ago

Given the potential for unrestricted access to information, it is simple to fall prey to the delusion that diet claims made on the internet are true when in fact they are myths. So let's discuss eight dietary principles that are invalid.

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  1. Artificial Sweeteners Are Better Than Alternative Ones

Given that they don't contain any sugar at all, some nutritionists feel that artificial sweeteners are usually preferable to the alternatives (honey, agave syrup, and stevia). However, you should be aware that artificial sugar substitutes can be harmful to your health, unlike sweet alternatives. Artificial sweeteners are highly processed chemicals that most people's systems react poorly to, leading to headaches and intestinal issues.

  1. Overeating is Caused by Lack of Vitamins

According to conventional thinking, if you are drawn to a certain product (and you are not pregnant), this means that your body is deficient in vitamins or other microelements. Experts contend that it isn't most of the time, though. First, significant mental problems or stress can both contribute to overeating. And secondly, plain dehydration shouldn't be overlooked by anyone. Therefore, sip on a few glasses of water before purchasing some chips or a burger.

  1. Activated Carbon is a New Superfood

Although activated carbon is well known for its ability to absorb, you shouldn't place too much faith in it. Luminous skin? Perhaps, but you should still exercise caution. Rid the body of toxins? Probably not. At the very least, there is no scientific proof for this. However, other research findings indicate that using charcoal along with medications lessens their effectiveness.

  1. Fresh Vegetables are Healthier Than Frozen

No. Even though fresh foods typically have more nutrients than frozen meals, some of those nutrients can be lost during travel and storage. The fact that fruits and vegetables preserved more vitamin A when frozen through shock freezing than while fresh should also be considered, according to new research by American scientists.

  1. Fatty Foods Increase the Amount of Fatty Tissue

We must consume fat as part of our diet because without it, our bodies cannot absorb certain vitamins and cannot thus supply them to our bodies. The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are what we're referring to. The distinction between healthy and bad fats must be understood, although experts emphasize that fats should not be completely eliminated from the diet. Olive and flaxseed oil, oily seafood, nuts, seeds, and avocados are some of the beneficial fats you can choose from.

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