in #kedepankan7 years ago


Good night and night steemit users all over Indonesia and the world ....

Selamat tengah malam para pengguna steemit seluruh indonesia dan dunia......

A little word for law scholars, while we are still in college to study law, always taught justice and justice, but by the time we finish college and become part of law enforcement, it's often and much happening that justice is put aside by money, where nowadays a lot of people do not get justice anymore, especially when the small community is faced with the law ...

Sedikit kata untuk para sarjana hukum, disaat kita masih duduk dibangku kuliah untuk menuntut ilmu hukum,selalu diajarkan yg nama keadilan keadilan dan keadilan, tetapi disaat kita sudah selesai kuliah dan menjadi bagian dari para penegak hukum, sering sekali dan sudah banyak terjadi bahwa keadilan itu dikesampingkan oleh uang, dimana sekarang banyak sekali orang yg tidak mendapatkan keadilan lagi, terutama saat masyarakat kecil berhadapan dengan hukum...

Now that the law has been ruled out by money alone, and many law enforcers will be bribed to betray this enforced law, do not you remember when we study science, we always put forward to uphold justice in this country, to defend the weak. ..

Do not you make this law like a spider's web, when the mosquitoes and flies are passing it will get stuck there but when the owls passing by will rip rarely profit the profit and escape, open our conscience and uphold this justice with real ... ..