People's Sovereignty and Democracy

in #kedaulatan4 years ago (edited)


Sovereignty is defined as the highest authority over the government of the state, region and so on. However, seen from the concept of sovereignty, often the term sovereignty contains meanings related to the idea of ​​supreme power relating to the state. So clearly sovereignty is the highest power in the state and is an attribute for the state as the largest community organization.

When associated with "the people" it means the people who are the place to give birth to the highest power. Thus the sovereignty of the people can be defined as the highest power in the state that is held or located in the hands of the people. The people as the central and source of power. Because power does not have any legitimacy if that power is obtained not from public participation. Then the people's sovereignty is often called and / or adopted into the democratic system.

Democracy comes from the Greek word "demos" which means people or residents of a place, and "cratos" or "cratein" which means power or sovereignty. So, etymologically, democracy is a state condition in which in its system of government the sovereignty is in the hands of the people, the highest power is in the decisions of the people, the people are in power, the people's government and power by the people. That is, the essence of democracy as a system of society and state and government emphasizes the existence of power in the hands of the people. This implies, namely:

a. Government of the people (government of the people) A recognized government is a government that has received recognition and support from the people (ligimate government). The importance of legitimacy for a government is that the government can run the bureaucracy and its programs.

b. Government by the people (goevernment by the people) The government exercises power on behalf of the people not on its own impulse. So it is important to have supervision by the people. And supervision is a basic right that is owned by the people. Supervision carried out by the people (social control) can be carried out directly by the people or indirectly (through the DPR).

c. Government for the people (government for the people) The government that is given by the people to the government is carried out in the interests of the people. The government is required to guarantee the widest possible freedom. Based on the description above, it shows the relationship between people's sovereignty and democracy.

The conception of democracy provides a basis and mechanism for power based on the principles of human equality and equality. Democracy places humans as the owner of sovereignty which has become known as the principle of people's sovereignty.

Power is obtained through democratic mechanisms, when the concept of democracy places humans as owners of sovereignty. This situation became known as the principle of people's sovereignty. So we can be sure that it will become a democratic power because the will of the people is the basis of legitimacy.

Asshiddiqie, Jimly. 2010. Indonesian Constitution and Constitutionalism, Sinar Grafika: Jakarta.

Asshiddiqie, Democracy and Human Rights, Paper Material presented in the general studium at The 1st National Converence Corperate Forum for Community Development, Jakarta, 19 December 2005.

Bawaslu RI, Constitution and Democracy, the SKPP Module delivered in the 3rd batch National Participatory Supervision Cadre School program, Bogor, 2020.
