Season of the Witch

in #kavanaugh6 years ago

I woke up yesterday as I usually do, getting my morning coffee and going through the same ritual I always do, but yesterday was a little different. Instead of opening my emails and deciphering through the junk mail, I decided to look for a live stream of the Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blessy Ford hearing. I watched patiently as the members of the board walked up to their positions, Ford, flanked by her lawyers as they were bookends, sat down in front of cameras, jockeying for the best angles of what was about to occur.

     It started with opening statements from the board members, stating that this is a hearing today about the accusation of something that occurred a mere 36 years ago. One of the members who sat, leering in a semi-circle was no other than Senator Dianne Feinstein, who in my opinion is the catalyst behind this whole investigation.  As I was getting my second cup of coffee, I heard Feinstein tell the nation in her opening statement about the Ford assault and clandestinely voiced and ridiculed new accusations that would even more tarnish the judgement of Kavanaugh reputation and forever to chastise him as a repeated sex offender. Feinstein could not be stopped by any other of colleague who sat in the same semi-circle, mentioning that today is about Ford's word about the happenings while she was in her teens.  Feinstein completed her opening statement, thanking Ford for her bravery and coming forward, speaking on the behalf of many women who's voices were silenced. A board member did mention after the hoopla that we are in the here and now of today's hearing of Ford vs Kavanaugh. Thank you for that.
Then the investigation came underway. Christine Blessy Ford, doctorate in Psychology and holding a position as a professor at a university, looked weathered for her age, dressed in a navy blue wrap dress, disheveled blond hair, modern glasses and clean appearance sat across from the board looking completely terrified like she already was the cat that ate the canary. The board took the utmost kindness to Ford by stating that she is entitled to a break if she needs one and that the board is there to serve her today, again thanking her repeatedly for her bravery and coming forth today to discuss this traumatic ordeal. Ford still horrified before the questions she knew were coming felt distressed, begging that she is in dire of need of caffeine to continue questioning. As coffee was given to her, the male board member joked about how no one gets the coffee right for him, trying to break her into a smile, other words trying to relax the one being questioned. Later it got to where she got a Coke, more caffeine anything to help her in the interrogation.

    As Ford spoke for the first time, her voice was breathy, high pitched and most convincingly sounding like a dumb blond. She continued on reading her script that was edited time and time again, of an incident that was over 3 decades ago, seemed like it happened only yesterday.  In her words, she was pushed into a room, door locked behind her, and was pushed onto a bed with 3 to 4 boys present as Brett Kavanaugh proceeded to grind her pelvis with his through her bathing suit. The boys cheered Kavanaugh on and somehow, Ford escaped before she would be "raped or feared that he would kill me".
  Now this is the thing...As the trial/hearing went on into the later hours, both sides interrogated her,  never once mentioned that she somehow lead the boys on or even flirted with any of them.   Her statement along with the questioning had too many holes that already put Kavanaugh on the chopping block, searing him with that scarlet letter on his chest that he was already guilty before proving his innocence.  The second person in the room Mark Judge, was not sequestered for interview, declined comment and the judiciary committee took it as their ball to run with, a home run in their opinion. "We got you sucker" is all I would be hearing if I could read their minds. None of Ford's friends came forward either, stating that this occurred or she happened to like one of the boys at the time.  Now keep in mind that this is a teen and those as teens would do almost anything to draw attention to themselves, including getting themselves in a precarious situation. 

   We've all been there.  Each one of us did something that we are not proud of in our youth.  We either wised up realizing what we did was wrong or we took the consequences from a parent or the law, correcting us into seeing things on the straight and narrow. I do believe if Kavanaugh did try anything it was probably peer pressure, but my findings leading up to the investigation, Kavanaugh would be the kind of boy that lived in the background if I were in high school. He would probably had signed my yearbook and stating something goofy for me to look back and laugh. I would probably say to myself, who is this guy? He is the kind of guy that seemed studious enough to have total focus into getting into his Ivy league school of his choice, which was Yale University. He wasn't a jock, nor does he have the jock demeanor. I would expect this kind of behavior from a jock, not a bookworm. He was probably voted "most likely to succeed" at a high school opinion poll, never  voted "most likely to become a sex offender".  Kavanaugh had his wits about him,  being super smart and grounded enough to interact with people young and old. He was an average fella, wanting to make a name for himself, not knowing that he would ever be appointed to become a judge on the Supreme Court. I digress, this is not me rooting for Kavanaugh, nor do I root for Ford, let's make this clear.

   This trial or hearing was a witch hunt. The morning hours showed a softer side for Ford, coming forward about an occurrence 36 years ago to Kavanaugh sitting down in the same spot that Ford warmed for his hiney. Only to have his rear end handed to him before he was even questioned. The tone of the hearing changed from a committee showing tolerance, to one of the opposite. It was clear that the board already made up their minds that Kavanaugh was already guilty and his seat for Supreme Court Judge would never happen. The same committee made of both parties seemed to be in agreeance until on voice spoke from the semi circle that would be the knight that saved Kavanaugh from his "wrong doings" . 
  It was Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, with his bounding voice, pointed many fingers at his committee members, saying what was happening was a Sham. His speech as short as 4 and a half minutes were profound and genuinely attacking those who already saw Kavanaugh as guilty. He went on to say how unethical this hearing was, but most importantly looking at Kavanaugh sternly, stating that "If you wanted an FBI investigation,  you would have come to us. What you want to do is destroy this guy's life, hold this seat open hope you win in 2020. You said that!" as he pointed to Dick Durbin. Looking on Graham continued "I would have never do to them what you did to this guy! This is most unethical SHAM since I've been in politics." "She (Ford) is as much of a victim as you are," yelled Graham. These next words did not haunt me until I heard the next statement from Graham's mouth. "But let me tell you when it comes to this. You're looking for a fair process? You came to the wrong town at the wrong time, my friend." In a nutshell, it is a race, that one will never win. The guilty must prove his innocence, the other way around is how it is supposed to be in the United States Judicial System: Innocent until proven guilty.  

Again, the witch hunt. It started with Trump and his "collisions with the Russians". Since January 20, 2017, Trump has been in the papers and name all over the internet. His name tarnished by today's left wing media, in hopes to gain a Democratic candidate, like Hillary Clinton to lead the nation unto its demise of Socialism. We see what Socialism does to other countries, just look at Venezuela. Obama is still a "star" to the American people; but just like the ones today holding signs about Trump. Obama is "Not My President". I respected him, a very intelligent man, who was from mixed races,  with a Muslim background and name became our 44th president for 8 years. The media ate up anything president spoon fed them, taking every word as gospel. The Lamestream media today is still in a whirlwind of shock and awe of Trump representing the USA. The media will stop at nothing to getting this man impeached including finding something wrong with each and every cabinet member, judicial committee chair, and even his press secretaries. 
 This hearing yesterday is not about Kavanaugh and Ford. It is much deeper than that folks. It is ammunition being collected by the left and right to put Trump's head on the chopping block. Kavanaugh is just a pawn in the game of Chess and "Let's try to Impeach Trump" this week. Kavanaugh and his reputation is forever scarred by the judiciary committee and will never recover from yesterday's dog and pony show. If you want to see some reality TV, put on C-SPAN. Today, Sen. Dianne Feinstein went on the record for America and God to hear that Kavanaugh is "being belligerant".  Just stop it already. The endgame here is not about Kavanaugh and his chair on the Supreme Court Justice,  it is the impeachment of President Trump. Afterall, he is at fault for bringing a "sex offender, gang-rapist Kavanaugh" to the table is just sickening.  As for Mrs. Ford, if that happened to you, I express my condolences, but I do not believe that she has that much clarity from something that happened 36 years ago. "Check, President Trump.  Your move" said the Democrats.