"IFC S1: R37 - Entry" The Three Little Redfish

in #justbecause6 years ago (edited)

IFC S1: R37 - The Fairy Tale Re-Write Challenge

Growing up we hear and enjoy so many fairy tales! For this quest pick your favorite or any and have a re-write! Create a different outcome, add a character, make it modern, or even write it as a poem! Have fun with it! The judges will be looking for the most creative in their minds or if you get lucky and pick one of their favorite fairy tales you may get their vote! Good Luck!

Image Source Pixabay

"What bedtime story would you like me to read tonight sweetie" Booby asked her 6 year old daughter Bernadet. "I wanna hear about da fishies." she replied, as Booby was tucking her into the covers. "Are you sure you really want to hear that one again? Booby sighed as her daughter squealed "yes" with delight. "Okay." and so the story of the three redfish began.

It was time for the three brothers to venture out into the waters of the whales, they all had big high falutin dreams of becoming rich as rich could be. Rochard the Younger set up his dream house and filled it with ill gotten..

" whats ill gotten mommy, I thought you said he stole the picture." "Yes dear, it does mean stolen however we can not say that they stole the pictures, they are innocent until proven guilty, but the other fish know that it is not his work and that he is trying to profit off of other people's hard work."

...gains. For the first few days he was a redfish with stars in his eyes, he was getting lots of votes, his reputation was soaring. He was so happy he was doing back flips at how well his plan was paying off.

Meanwhile Klacka-two was wooing the whales, he found a drama to watch, he saw the money one guy was making and decided to join his side. he slammed and blasted his new friends enemy in the safety of his post, he got rewards, and votes and people were patting him on his back for his clever witty comments and meme's....

"wass a meme mommy, me me wanna a meme?" Bernadet asked her mother while giggling about her meme meme. Booby just smile at her daughter's delight in playing the meme song she was softly singing. "A meme, Dear is a like a really funny or rude comment on a funny or rude picture, some people like them. should I go on sweetie?" Booby smiled down at her little angel. "Yes yes mommy tell us about Wisoly." she cooed to her mother.

Wisoly, "Wise Oly", took his time. He knew he would eventually gain some funds and a lot of friends but he wanted real friends, ones that would take the time to grow from the redfish to whale status without begging, borrowing or stealing from others, he built slowly, and had some moderate success...

"was he happy mommy, was he rich?" her daughter asked. "No dear he was not rich, but he was not poor either, he took his earning and reinvested it back into himself, to build his little nest egg." "what happened next mommy" she asked pulling the covers up and snuggling a little deeper in the covers.

One day, the water crossers came to Rochard the Younger, you sir have been found to be guilty of defrauding the users, you are being downvoted, never again will your reputation see the light of day, you have been consigned to the depths of the damned. he begged and pleaded his case before the board of devoton, they had upheld the sentence. Rochard the Younger was banished to the depths never to rise again.

"Why did they do that to him mommy, he said he was sorry, and would not do it again?" Bernadet asked.

"He had been warned darling on several occasion about how to correct his ways, he chose to ignore those warnings thinking just four more hits and he could cash out. So they took all his rewards, and all of his reputation away. He can still post and try to make money, but he is blacklisted..."

"whats blacklisted mean mommy?" she asked.

"That dear is where a consensus of important people say this person deserves nothing, so on every potential payout at 6 days and 11 hours and 22 minutes all his rewards are downvoted away.Shall we leave Klacka-two and Wisoly for tomorrow evening dear?" she asked her daughter as her eyes were growing heavy.

"Yes mommy, I think I am sleepy now, thank you for the story.


Booby loved the story so she carried the book downstairs with her to finish reading.

Rochard the Younger went to his friend Klacka-two, to see if he could help him, put in a good word with his whale friend.

"Klacka-two, you have to help me, I'm begging you man, Look at what those Devoton's have done to me...hey what happened to you, you look like you got stomped hard too? Rochard the Younger asked, after noticing his friends reputation was as low as his. "Did those Devoton's hit you too?"

Klacka-two just shook his head in negation. " No I was sucker punched by both those damned drama queens. He asked me to post one of my meme's on his enemies post, said he had my back. I posted it. Of course I got slammed, but I was ready for that, I just laughed at him called him a bunch of names, and other shit. Then his friends started to hit me also. I let my drama queen know what happened, and reminded them they said they would have my back. Yeah right, I should have known I was a fool. We both were fools."

"What do you think we should do?" Rochard asked Klacka-two, in a soft voice.

"I don't know, I was thinking of heading over to Wisoly's place see if he can help me. We did start at the same time, we are all sort of redfish brothers after all." Klacka-two stated firmly.

So they set off toward Wisoly's place hoping not for help, but for a hand out. They still did not understand water life yet.

Klacka-two pounded on Wisoly's door. "Hey Wisoly, it's us your buds, can we come in, we need some help."? he hollered through the door.

Wisoly was not stupid, he knew why they were there, he kept up with the water news as best he could. "Rochard" he said through the speaker box,"you were warned on multiple times about your theft of other people's work, I will not tolerate that, I have no help for you, we may have started at the same time but you squandered your time by stealing from others."

"Klacka-two", Wisoly called to next, I warned you about playing in the drama games and the flag wars, that that was the territory of faster swimmers and that both sides were using you and their other followers for their own gain. You could have made something of yourself, some of those followers liked you, but no, all you had was glory and whale support in your eyes."

"Begone both of you, and the next time a big bad wolf comes to blow your house down, build it better." and with that Wisoly turned the ultra sonic close range alarm on to drive them both from his door.

Not a happy tale, but I always thought the third pig got ripped off by his siblings. He did all the quality work, he put in the effort, and then his siblings thought that he should protect them. It was even he that put the water pot on to boil, who built the fire, and caught the wolf and cooked it. The other two lazy butts did nothing but pig out and make a mess of his nice sturdy neat house.

So that concludes my version of the three little redfish.

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Here is the link to Round 36 Assist IrvinesImages
Here is the link to Round 37 Fairy tale rewrite


Now THAT’S a winning story. I love how you tied in the Steemit platform. You have my vote for sure my friend. I read this after my post and think it’s funny how the Big Bad Wolf played a part in both of our posts.

I guess because they used them to try to scare us as kids.

I aint scurred of no wolfsies

Absolutely creative story @bashadow!!! Your creativity is showing through with each and every post!!

Thinking out side the box is not easy sometimes. Just had to try, what good is a challenge that does not challenge.

what good is a challenge that does not challenge?

can i use that line for my next post??? Thinking outside of the box type people are who i need to surround myself with for sure!!!

I am sure I am not the original speaker of that line, but yeah feel free, I am sure I must have heard it somewhere, sometime, maybe even a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

Beautiful post and an amazing story

That was great! I loved the aquatic/steem metaphors and word play going on! Was a really fun one to read and super creative too. Also I like the rationale you put into your choices! I can vibe with that and your version is a bit more noble of an alternative. Thanks for the interesting and entertaining entry! :)

I don't think I need to say why this is my vote for the round, I think the quality speaks for itself.

I'm so glad @apolymask asked me to guest judge this round @bashadow because it allowed me the pleasure of reading a brilliantly written and extremely under valued piece of writing on the steem blockchain. Your efforts deserve far more than your rewards for this post my friend and there's a valuable lesson contained within your imaginative rewriting of this fairy tale classic that I truly wish more of the community had the chance to read. I'm sorry I didn't have the pleasure of reading this during the seven day window as I would have liked the opportunity to resteem it.

But I have chosen you as my pick for the winner of round 37 of the IFC. :)I haven't seen the leaderboard at all so have no idea where you stand but I wish you the best of luck in this round and the Championship overall.

Have a great day my friend! :)

Thank you for your kind words. it was fun to write, a little hard, but that's what this contest has been from day one, think outside of the box, and move out of the comfort zone. It has been fun.

Not sure how that 6 year old understood it hahaha but anyways you have my vote

Rather obvious I don't have kids huh. Thanks for the vote.

What a treat this is, Thank you... ♥♥

@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.
