HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORD, The Jubilee is Here!
Slaves set free! Debts cleared! Time of rest! Time to conquer! Time to celebrate!
Lev_27:21 For when the day of jubilee cometh, it shall be sanctified to the Lord
Happy 50th Birthday Lord RayEl, Lord of Lords, King of Kings!
The 800 year old Jubilee/Messianic Prophecy of Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel...

Num_36:4 And so it shall come to pass, that when the jubilee, that is, the fiftieth year of remission, is come, the distribution made by the lots shall be confounded, and the possession of the one shall pass to the others.
Happy Jubilee Lord Ra-El, Lord of Lords, King of Kings!

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Happy birthday of Lord Jubilee.
May what is written in the Torah and Gospel come true.
Sir, I am looking forward to your writing about Jerusalem, spend some time writing, what is the Bible about Jerusalem, I would love to know.
Very nice
thank you nice topic
I wish you THE most felicitous Notafetus Day, Majesty. I can't say it enough, but we love you, brother.
I have a birthday today. Thank you for your very good wishes!
It was such a wonderful day. Glory to the Father for blessing us with the Lord!
Happy birth day to our golden and ever green king.may u love long.
My husband Edward has a birthday today. Edward is 51 today. Thank you for congratulations!
Happy birthday, Lord RayEl!
Happy birthday Lord!
Good articel mister, i like for your writnig