JSEcoin Platform and Network Update v1.8.2

in #jsecoin7 years ago (edited)

We have completed the platform and network update to version 1.8.2

There have been some significant changes in preparation for the exchange listing next month with added security and fraud prevention features. Some of the features are detrimental to user experience but we feel that the overall project is stronger with them.

Pending Rewards

Mining and referral rewards will now be paid out after 7 days on a rolling system. So anything you mine today will be displayed as pending and then transferred to your account next Saturday. Sundays will go out next sunday etc. This gives us seven days to analyse traffic and data patterns to identify and prevent fraud and misuse of the network.

Web Platform Face-Lift

We have given the web platform at https://platform.jsecoin.com a design tweak and updated some of the components to modernize the look and feel of the platform. Eventually the alpha platform will be rolled out to replace this but we are still some way of completing that so it’s important that the current platform is as good as it possibly.

ERC20 Deposit / Withdraw Functions

These are not live yet as we are currently connected to the Rinkeby test network. We have successfully tested them and are ready for October 11th when the transaction lock comes off and users can withdraw funds to 3rd party ERC20 compatible wallets and services. User will also be able to purchase tokens from exchange and deposit them in to their platform account. Contributors to the ICO will have the option to store the tokens in their ERC20 wallets or deposit them on to the platform.
Recorded Logins

Another security feature is we are displaying the last login to your account in the dashboard. If you click the last login icon it will open up a list of previous logins to your account. This can help identify and highlight unauthorized access.

Transaction Limits

This is another layer of security which prevents large amounts from being withdrawn in one go. Users can update their transaction limits which if over 10,000 will require confirmation via the new “link in email” system. This means an attacker now needs to know your account details, pin and have access to your email.

We have tested these updates in a local testnet environment but if you spot anything untoward please report it via the https://jsecoin.com/en/oddJobs/bugBounty/

#Release Notes v1.8.2

ERC20 deposit function
    Eth address generated for each user and sent to queryPool to be checked at 10 minute intervals for 1 hour.
ERC20 withdrawal function
Pending Rewards System
    Platform Mining Rewards
    Publisher Mining Rewards
    Referral Rewards

All go in to 7 day holding period. Rolling daily distribution of today-7
Verify Ledger function ignores mining command in favour of platformReward, publisherReward, referralReward.
Transaction Limits on transfer, export, withdrawal
Update transaction limit function
Update API Key function, disables previous API Key
Platform face-lift, improvements to design
App update to include pending rewards breakdown
Bug fix on autoresponder, only first email getting sent
Update GeoIP database
Email confirmation link system for transaction limits and withdrawals
Fix to nightmode on web platform mining chart
Rerender pages on userRefresh, event fired from load server websocket connection
Last login displayed with clickable list of previous logins recorded



Don’t waste your time trying to send fake memos telling us that we upvoted you.

Our best wishes and support is always with you.

realy good news. i work with jse coin. web mining system. very nice. best luck jse coin.

you are making a great platform..
we hope that work will better.

It is a really good news. i am working with jse coin. web mining system. very nice. best luck jse coin.

Personally think this is a great project and was one of the first members on the site, I'm really looking forward to the end of the ICO and seeing JSE on exchanges!

Your website mining is excellent. Best of luck