The beginning of a wonderful journey - Part 2.

in #journey8 years ago (edited)

So for today's post I'd love to tell you all about the history of my cannabis use, From day 1 right through to the end, of course I can't remember every day and most details are quite sketchy for me, But by no means is this a fiction.

So it all started when i was around about 11 years old, I knocked about with most of the older kids as there was only 2 other lads my age, who weren't really that interested in getting out and about a lot for reasons of their own. Due to hanging with the older kids, I was exposed to things most kids encounter in their teen years, I remember it as clear as day, the Very first bong i smoked.. It was at a back yard Barby, Taffy packed me a small bong, looked over to me and said, here - Try this, Being the fearless young soul that i was, peer pressure succumbed and i put my mouth inside the top of the tall plastic bong, He lit the lid and told me to suck (God that sounds so wrong on many levels...) But as commanded i did, The smoke slowly filled the chamber and that was it, his finger left the rush, Leaving me choking in a cloud of smoke. After that the night was very hazy, But i specifically remember munching my way through the entire selection of bread rolls, Both the burger and hot dog kind. It was amazing, the feeling of complete bliss, The head pounding, bouncing feeling was like pure ecstasy, Needless to say, several hours later i headed home (across the road) and passed out in my bed without even saying goodnight to my parents.. Several weeks later, I was hanging around outside the lads houses, When dell boy (Not the one from only fools and horses, Obviously) came from the flats across the road, it was well known he was seeing the girl in the bottom flat who lived with her mother, Needless to say he invited me into his house where he began cooking a mix, For those of you unfamiliar with this term, It's basically Block weed (Rocky, Pure THC) cooked into Cigarette tobacco. After his master culinary skills, He cleaned out the pan used to prepare, and sprayed air freshener.. We headed upstairs into his lair, It was so impressive, Pictures of Tupac on the walls - UV lighting, a true gangsters paradise, i was in awe. I don't really remember much more after we hit a bong each, But i remember his dad getting home (I really liked his dad, He was cool, Even to this day I stop and say Hey when i see him out and about) After that he headed off out with taffy and i was left to my own devices, What i did after that i really can't remember, But no one had any idea.. 

The damage was done, I'd had a taste and i liked it...

After that it was sometime before i had my next bong, Almost 2 years - But i remember this day as clear as the light in the sky, I was in high school, I was suffering from a really bad case of hay fever and had just been sent home from school, I remember walking around through the garages and saw my would be mate who was my age.. Dale sat there with some of his friends puffing away on a doob, I said hey and he was quick to ask what i was doing out of school, So i told him the truth, He cheesed a huge grin my way and said to me "here man this'll help", Seconds later holding out the already smoldering joint.. Needless to say i had no idea what was in it, It could have been just any old cigarette, but i stuck it to my chops and took a great huge tote. It helped, But shortly after i walked around to my house and sat down in the passageway between the front door and the kitchen - My hay fever induced asthma slowly rattling away.. Again, after that it was all a huge blur...

Here i was, what i thought - A Serial Stoner... Shortly afterwards i started stealing tobacco from my mum and dads tobacco supply, I was hooked on tobacco too!! 

So it didn't really take long for them to notice that tobacco was going missing, They challenged me and eventually caught me in the act, i was busted - But it was out in the open.. It was quite some time before i smoked Mary-jane after that, Issues came and went, Life carried on as any normal preteen kid's life should, I had girlfriends, I lost girlfriends, I made friends and lost friends, but it wasn't until i met Matthew that it really started.. I can't really remember the first time i met him, But i'm sure it was on the hillside next to the high school i attended, It was my estate Vs the next estate over, a brawl! it was quite amazing but all you saw was a wave of bettws lads running towards a few lads from bettws, It wasn't until i was right up close in the fray that i noticed a great deal of the bettws kids had fell back, to watch the few of us there were battle it out in hand to hand combat! There was blood flying everywhere, Boys punching girls, Girls punching boys, Boys on boys, girls on girls, hair pulling, head kicking, face splitting fights everywhere, eventually the faculty decided it was time to intervene and came out in force, Most of us run in every direction.. It was chaos. That was the first time me and matthew met, He slowly became one of my best friends, along with a lad named jamie (as well), we were the three amigos! It was about a year after, that i started to hang around with matthew, He came around and knocked the front door.. I went out and we all hung for a while without smoking anything (I guess he was weighing me up as a person), Several days later, i was about to head off to the cadet force i attended, I got in my mothers car, went - and when i got home that night, My parents were in the kitchen with their friend paul from up the road.. All three of them looked at me with disappointment on their faces, I was confused, I had no idea what was about to happen, then it happened! They pulled out a dog end of a joint which had got stuck in the ridges of my boot and come loose on the ride to cadets.. I denied them and said that it wasn't mine but they didn't believe me, I was infuriated as it genuinely wasn't mine (To this day, I personally think it was the end of a joint matt flicked away on his way down to my house.. but i can't be sure.. After that i decided, if i was going to be blamed for it, then i might aswell do it!! Probably the wrong decision to make, but i was a kid.. I didn't know better.. Shortly after this i left the cadet force and started hanging out with matt even more, Going around his house.. He was a true serial stoner, I sat there with jamie and matt watching them smoke their way through mix after mix, day in day out, until i'd finally had enough - I asked for one.. That was it! I was back at that place, it was almost 3 years since my last bong, But that head tingling, Bouncing feeling was back and i was finally hooked, Every day after, i was there with them hitting maybe 1 - 2 bongs, Sitting there listening to music and playing the XBOX.. If anything, gaming was the addition i brought into the crew, I was the tech guy - If there was something technologically new, you could count that i had it and i was sharing it with them..

Please stay tuned, As tomorrow I'll be uploading the second half of my small  Cannabis auto biography... For those just tuning in, Please visit my first post to see where this all went.. :)
Me, aged 15