The beginning of a wonderful journey.

in #journey8 years ago

Howdy ladies and gentlemen, My name is Jamie, I'm from a Small island in the west called the United Kingdom. For hours i trawled through steemit trying to decide what the best sort of post would be to get peoples attention, It wasn't until i decided to go upstairs and actually brush my teeth (Of all things) that i came up with an idea, Wait for it..

My idea was simply this, one week ago today - I gave up smoking cannabis, I was a serial smoker, Smoking bongs from the time i woke up, Right through the day until i put my head back on the pillow. I Did this for about 9 years and it wasn't until my partner of 5 years left for a week that i really started to see the negative side effects the stuff was having on me. I made this account not really having any clue what it was about, after having a little read about and some self exploration i decided that i was going to write a blog about my transformation. My ultimate goal is to get fit enough to join the Royal marine commandos, a dream my father bestowed upon me the first time he let me hold his SA80 combat rifle, I was 2 years old on a walk with my mother through the woods of york when my fathers routine patrol crossed our path, he bent down and passed his SA80 rifle to me to hold for several seconds (Don't worry, I'm sure the safety was on, Not to mention the magazine was full of blanks) - From that day on, My hands knew nothing but the rifle.

So let me tell you a little bit about myself, I'm 26 years old with two kids (A 1 year old boy and a 3 year old girl), I live in a little part of Wales called Newport, I'm currently a recovering cannabis addict (for those who don't believe cannabis can be addictive, All it takes is an addictive personality), For the most part i have very few interests and hobbies due to spending most of my life smoking. I'm an avid PC & Console gamer but have lost a lot of interest in this due to me not being high anymore. I enjoy sports (Except football) and have recently revived my interest in weight lifting, My lifting sessions are more often than not the high point of my day and this will be day 4 of my training regime, Eventually i intend on spending at least 4 hours working on my Physique alongside obviously doing my job as a Delivery driver. So i'm going to leave it there for today, please don't be afraid to leave feedback, Questions and criticism as without you fair people this would be for naught!