Exhaustion Journal

in #journal7 years ago (edited)

I have felt absolutely miserable (physically) over the past month...maybe longer. I'm so numb to it that I don't remember exactly.

I haven't been able to sleep well and I've more often than not felt like I didn't sleep at all upon waking, even if I slept for 8 or 9 hours. I've been exhausted throughout the entire day. Taking walks to get some sunlight after lunch hasn't helped, nor has continuing my gym regimen 3 days a week. Eating healthy hasn't really helped either.

The way I've been feeling has even affected my writing here. Most of the time, I can't write anything, even if I want to. I can't think straight, like there is thick fog inside my head.


Photo source: pixabay.com

I've been at a loss as to how to help myself get better. Simply treating the symptoms has been of no help.

I've always felt in my heart that I can fix what is bothering me without medication and I still feel that way. I've seen medication ruin so many lives and I'm not interested in going that route.

Just because I've been doing everything right on the surface doesn't mean I am doing everything right.

The situation has forced me to dive into my psyche to find the root of my problem. Everything on the surface is for show and currently useless for solving my problems.

For someone who preaches about positive thinking and how I've been getting better about it in my own life, I am most definitely underperforming in that department if I look at myself honestly. I'm not being a hypocrite -- I just want to do everything right so badly, for my own sake, that I force it and therefore, brainwash myself.

Think positive, stupid! It's what is best for you!

My body is no fool, however. It knows I'm a liar.


Photo source: pixabay.com

I've had to ask myself what is bothering me. I have extreme anxiety and I've had it for a very long time. I'd say it's mostly work/financial-related.

Having an honest, heart-to-heart talk with myself is what is called for. I don't need to impress anyone. The world in general might be in a downward spiral, but that isn't something I should let stress me out personally even though I have been letting it. I know I have myself taken care of.

The bottom line is: I have to be better at filtering out the negativities of every day life.

I'm getting there. One day at a time.


Diet, exercise and rest. Get a blood test to see if you are lacking in certain minerals like iron and magnesium. I take vit D and magnesium/ calcium capsules.

Solid advice. I've been going to bed earlier and making sure I take my lacking minerals -- especially iron and B12. It has helped a little bit. I actually slept really well last night.

Goods news. It takes time to reverse things. Patience and thinking positive .

Keep rest
Without you, I am nothing. With you, I am something. Together we are Everything.

Without you, I am nothing. With you, I am something. Together we are Everything.

awww @cali-girl. im glad you expressed it on steem. I have days where i feel exactly like you do.

I love the picture of that cat. Some days I don't wanna feel anything and just "not give a fuck!!!!"

That's a load to take on, work and physical health. Thank you for being active on steem. sometimes, its my outlet too!

Sometimes it does feel like taking care of health is a full time job... I try to keep the creative juices flowing and stay positive, but some days I just can't do it. I keep trying though. :)

I have had many days when I feel as you do; my head seems like a blank and focusing feels like an incredible hard task to do. Though I've gotten better at it and I believe meditation has helped me. It lovers stress and clears my mind from worries (not always but that's the goal).

The causes for your anxiety and unhappynes are likely different from what mine has been but keep looking into yourself and hopefully you will figure yourself out eventually.

It's good thing you shared this as I believe such "negative" feelings are healthy to express and not stay alone with them.

I agree. Meditation is an excellent way to cope with pretty much anything that bothers anyone. The problem is quieting my head enough for it to be effective. I guess I need more practice...

Without you, I am nothing. With you, I am something. Together we are Everything.

Sounds easy doesn't it. Should be simple. Don't feel beat up if it's not. I've experienced the same. Doing everything "right" sometimes doesn't produce the results we think it should. I don't want to plug my own posts but since you mentioned anxiety I recently posted a video from Dr Brian Little who really helped me understand how I tick. It's about an hour long but may help you understand that side of yourself a little.

I hate relying on medication but pragmatism is a consideration. Here you can buy without a prescription sleeping pills. Just one for me gives me a deep sleep and may be something to consider to just jump start the process of healing in the body. Maybe you guys have easy access to something similar.

I don't claim to have all the solutions but perhaps it's still helpful for you to just know you're not alone.

Hope you feel more chirpy soon as we love your posts!

I'll check out the video.

Yes, we have over-the-counter sleeping pills here too, and in fact, I have some at home. I have taken half a pill or a whole if I really need it, but I'm trying to get down to the root of the problem so that I won't have to anymore. When I'm exhausted yet not falling asleep, they're fine, but the next day I'm always extremely groggy.

Thanks @nolnocluap for your support!

They do come at the cost of groggy-ness yes. No worries 👍

Thanks for sharing! I'm no expert but here's what the experts are saying. The sun is going through some very serious changes. Your body is being affected by this new energy. The karma energies from your past lives are slamming you all at once. Begin to speak to your higher self. Make verbal intentions daily. Open your chakras and allow this new light to flow through your body by maintaining a vibration of love. Do not attempt to block it by feeling anger or fear because that will cause sickness to your body. This is a ton to absorb. Check out some videos of Bruce Lipton. Relax. Answers are coming!


I enjoyed listening to some Bruce Lipton interviews -- especially the one with George Noory. Thanks for the recommendation.

Really helpful!

don't drink too much water eat water like fruits which contains 80-90% of water.
maybe sleep on the rooftop and wake up with rising sun , looking at sun rise and do kapalbathi and surya namaskar for at least 15-20 minutes with 1 minute gap, within a week your will seen tremendous changes in your self.

If you really want to be transform than meditate for 30 seconds every day.
Just for 30 seconds pay attention to your breath
When inhaling : say " I am not the body"
When exhaling: say " I am not even the mind"

Start for 30 seconds and than increase it upto your own potential.

Than after 2 weeks start practicing yoga for at least 30 minimum. You must have to form a habit of waking up early at 4:00 AM.

If you don't want to do that than stay alive with medicines

I'll say this post is bearable.

I 100% agree with you on the medication part. I don’t even take over the counter pain meds either. There will come a place and a time where I’ll really need some extra help in life. I have no desire yet to start building a tolerance or dealing with the side effects.

This causes way to much stress in life and it’s not worth holding onto“ I just want to do everything right so badly.” All you can do is put in your best effort on the good days, and your third best on hard days!

I use to get everything right the first time because I thought I had to in life. You know where it got me? Right back at the start of having to commit my time to something else since it didn’t work out. Was not worth it no matter how much passion I had, or how often I reminded myself that it was for my own “best interest” to not just do well but to be perfect for the thing at hand. I’m certain that’s why I have grey hairs in my beard!

You ever draw or taken the time to exercise outside of the gym and enjoy nature? I can only imagen how fast things move in Los Angeles. Some times its worth slowing down a tad and taking a moment to watch a bird fly across the sky or a flower in a garden swaying back and forth in a slight wind.

Thank you for sharing.

It sounds like you're a perfectionist like I am. I want to do things "right" so I don't have to do them all over again, but I usually end up back where I started -- just like you said. Sometimes I'm not sure how many times I can handle starting over; it makes me feel like a chronic screw-up.

I do take walks outside with my dogs and occasionally go hiking or to the beach, but I don't have as much contact with nature as I'd like. It's my plan to eventually move away from LA, but it's not feasible at the moment since this is where I have a job.

I’ve lower my bar of acceptance a fair amount over the years. Even let some of the little things slide even as it’s just not worth it anymore stressing over. But to a certain extent I still am. Quite a few things I have written have not made it to the block chain.

Perfection is not worth the cost of holding you back from your true potential. I’ve know this for almost forever. Yet, I am horrible at following it!

I know exactly what you mean I have been to the Dr.s three times this month cancelled my holiday and still not ready to go back to work... only last night woke up during the night terrified ( dont know of what) even my vision seemed off !!!... nothing seems right lately !!!
Im also letting everything get me down !
I hope you feel better in urself soon x

I am feeling much better. I'm not really sure what exactly prompted me to snap out of it, but here I am. :) I hope the same happens for you!! xx

I am exhausted too...I feel like I am dragging all day having to juggle so many things at once. Is like suppose to be like this? Are we all doom ? @ cali-girl

Maybe just for a little while.
