Red Church | The Eternal City!

in #josephz2 months ago

Choose thee to suffer affliction with God’s people than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin

Today at Red Church, Pastor Bob Yandian teaches about the eternal city and explains why God granted humanity authority and dominion on Earth.
He begins by emphasizing that the universe was created by God’s hands, as stated in Psalm 8:3, and that humanity has dominion over the works of God’s creation. He points out that Isaiah 53:1 reveals how much effort God invested in our salvation, indicating that while the universe can one day be recreated, the Earth is everlasting.

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Pastor Bob explains the connection between heaven and Earth, noting that God’s will is fulfilled in both realms. However, Earth is unique in that it is the only place where our prayers are effective and our sins can be forgiven. He also shares that authority and dominion have been entrusted to humanity specifically because Satan rules the Earth. Moreover, he discusses how the New Jerusalem will emerge when heaven comes to rest on Earth.

Further, Pastor Bob enlightens us about the heroes of faith and the New Jerusalem, mentioning that these heroes came from various backgrounds—they were wealthy, ordinary individuals, and even noted figures. Some were close to God, while others were not, and two of them were taken up without experiencing death. He explains that all of these heroes viewed their earthly lives as temporary because they understood that their future home was superior. He urges us not to become overly attached to earthly promises, as our future home is far better than what we experience here.

Interestingly, he elaborates that Abraham lived modestly, despite his wealth, because he recognized that his life on Earth was temporary. He encourages us not to get entangled in the misleading allure of earthly riches. He reminds us that we are sojourners here on Earth, referencing Hebrews 11:23-25 and Hebrews 13:14 to illustrate our need for an eternal city. This world is not our permanent home, and adopting this mindset helps us understand the temporary nature of our stay.
In conclusion, Pastor Bob reveals that the saved will be united in the Holy City at the end of Christ's millennial reign. The video:

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