How to Deal and Avoid Offensive Jokes?
JOKES were meant to be funny and to lighten things up. They're said to bring colors to someone's dull day. Joke comes in different forms and are delivered in different ways, verbally most often. Sometimes we tend to crack jokes by using someone's misfortunes or flaws. I'm not saying that's wrong because it depends on the people you're making fun of and the people who are listening to your joke. Some are "game" and has no limits when it comes to receiving jokes as long as everyone are having fun. Some gets hurt but chooses to keep it to themselves because they don't want to spoil the moment or cause any issues within the group. But there are really people who can't keep and manager their emotions well. They tend to explode when the jokes being thrown at them gets below the belt and too humiliating to take.

Before making jokes, make sure that you know the people around you too well. What kind of people are they? Of course, you wouldn't want to say green jokes in front of religious and conservative people, would you? I highly advised that you joke around with people who knows you to well. The chances of them getting offended is a bit low since they're already aware of your brand of humor. But that doesn't give you the right to be insensitive because it doesn't mean that they wouldn't get offended especially if your jokes aren't funny at all.

Furthermore, you should also know how to handle jokes when they're thrown at you. Yes, when you're a fan of joking, the chances are it would backfire to you. Your friends would most likely turn your jokes back to you. Most friends love to tease each other because it's ther idea of fun, and that is fine if you're going to ask me. Just make sure to avoid annoying or offending anyone. So, when it's their time to make fun of you, extend your patience and show some much-needed sportsmanship. Don't get offended as much as possible. How? Think of it as JUST a joke. Don't take it too seriously, NEVER let it get into your nerves.
My friend made me fall before my class girls moving chairs created me a huge nose cut. I just got an anger but cant able to express just left the cutoff.
Katong giingnan kos akong student sa public school when I was still having my practicum nga KINSAY TEACHER NGA PANGAG!!!! Take note that’s during my class. The crowd was laughing! How can I handle it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA nihuot na nuon akong dughan dah.
wow really funny jokes. thanks for @jassennessaj
Howdy from Texas @jassennessaj! I don't think I've ever had an offensive joke pulled on me. But of course I used to be more of a "pistolero" and always carried a gun in my boot, that may have had something to do with it! lol!
My advice is to experiment on Steemit and then if no one gets offended you can use those jokes in the real world! I'm pretty much just teasing, it's no good to offend anyone anywhere. Very good guidelines in your post, much appreciated!