From 3 Job Applications to 3 Interviews in 24 Hours: How Cleansing My Resume of Ass-Kissing Rhetoric Drew Immediate Response from Employers

in #jobapplication7 years ago

My job application experience has been completely next level so far. I cultivated my resume and cover letter completely differently this time, a 180 degree about face from the last time I was employment seeking. It is an electric feeling to go to sleep at night knowing that there is not one bit of pretentious, full-of-shit, ass-kissing rhetoric in my CV anymore, because every single other resume I've ever written in my life was a driveling train wreck and that's 35 years of being sick of myself and that kind of burden is heavy. When I edited that final bullet point to alliterate just so, and hit save for the final time, I finally shed that stubborn, lingering shadow side.

I feel such pride, like I keep wanting to look at myself in the "mirror," and admire what I "see," like I kicked my addiction to self loathing in a big way. I read about myself in my own job application like I listen to my favorite songs on repeat. I finally feel the truth in my own claims about myself wash over me like clear tropical water.

I didn't look at any listings. I say this to revel in the euphoria of contrast because boy, have I slaved over endless, tedious, vapid job listings in the past, trying in vain to find meaning in them.

I just sent my job application materials to the top three places that have been in my mind since forever that I would like to support, based on word of mouth recommendations or past research. I wasn't responding with any awareness of whether they were even hiring.

I sent my stuff out and all 3 companies contacted me within 24 hours for interviews. I had a phone interview today and scheduled the next one shortly after.

It really felt as easy as a knife cutting through warm butter. And I know that that's how all of life will be once we heal our old patterns and can fully claim the most authentic version of ourselves. This is the Universal Cosmic Flow that all the great spiritual leaders of the world speak of, and all the shrouded spiritual masters of the world are quietly seeding in the collective. When our own energetic frequency is lucid and cared for, it's a beacon and exactly what we want just flocks toward us immediately.