in #jkenny7 years ago

"But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD"(Genesis 6:8).
The above scripture was given when the entire earth came under divine judgment and condemnation. When all living creatures were sentenced to death, grace made one man, Noah, an exception.
Because of Noah, his family members were also saved. There is always a program of exemption for the righteous in the day of destruction.
When the flood came by which God executed His judgement upon rebellious earth at that time, Noah and his family entered the ark of safety and while the rest of humanity was being swallowed up by the pit, Noah and his own were soaring in the peak of the tides.
If you place your faith in God, the tempest that buries the disobedient in the bottom of the pit will lift you up to the peak of success.

Relax in God's hands; that tide tearing up your life will end up tying up your tormentors and taking you to your place of rest.