Politics: JFK documents to be released by Trump friday

in #jfk7 years ago

This has to one of the most controversial topics of the past 50 years. To many americans, this was the day freedom died in their country. On record, Lee Harvey Oswald was the killer. But to most, this was just the cover story. It was just an incredible lie with so many facts that didn't line up that it was simply impossible to believe. A good example is my favorite comedian Bill Hicks, who had quite a lot to say about the subject.

Bill Hicks on JFK assassination:

I've never dived into the JFK assassination with as much fervor as I probably should have. It was well before my time. Thus I don't have much of an opinion on whether or not it was a conspiracy. From what I do know, there are definitely some questions that need answering. What I suspect, is that the documents to be released on friday are going to show just how deep the rabbit hole of corruption goes, and how it is still going on today.

My main reason for suspecting that this document release is going to be huge is because only someone like Trump would have considered releasing them. Up until this point, every president has been cut from the same loincloth of corruption. The elitists in control of the system, from the federal reserve all the way down the list, never planned for Trump. He is special, because he isn’t one of them. He doesn’t play by their rules. He has an opportunity to uncover all of their corruption, exposing them as the sophists they are. They fear him, and this is why they hate him.

Rather than go into great detail, I think I’ll just link to a website that does a fairly good job of this summary already:

For me it has always boiled down to Oswald and the Warren commission.

Questions I need answered:

  1. Oswald’s Motive
    According to the Warren commission, it was because he was a die hard communist. While I think we’ve all had a taste of how communism taints the mind, is this simple explanation good enough?

    • Kennedy was quite socialist in some regards, favoring minimum wage increases, paid education, and unemployment insurance. I don’t see how any communist could argue with these positions. But then, he also supported free trade, lowering taxes, and individualism. Maybe Oswald had a more marxist candidate in mind? I certainly don’t see Trump as far right, though there are no doubt raving lunatic communists in america who would and likely hysteric to shoot him given the opportunity.

    It should be noted that both the FBI and the CIA were in contact with Oswald several months before the assassination. The FBI tried to destroy evidence that Oswald had left a threatening note with a bureau agent, and there is evidence that the CIA was tracking Oswald’s movements in Cuba, along with his soviet connections.

  2. Oswald’s Ability
    He was a trained marine, with master level sniping ability. Yes, he was certainly capable.

    There is great speculation that the weapon (carcano) was not capable. There were 3 shots heard that day, but governor Connally and JFK only took 6 seconds to respond (watch the film, count for yourself). The carcano was only capable of 3 shots in 8 seconds (tested here: https://www.gunsamerica.com/blog/lee-harvey-oswalds-carcano-rifle-shooting-it-today/ ). This means the two shots that hit JFK must have been in sequence, and the 1st/3rd bullet had to miss, or there is either something wrong in the testing OR it was a lie.

    Additionally, the idea that one of the two bullets went through JFK and Connally, through ribs, clothing, etc is very doubtful. This ‘magic bullet’ strikes me as highly suspect, though no grounds on its own for evidence of a cover up.

  3. Warren Commission documents
    An entire book could easily be written on this subject (and many have). From individual to major geopolitical motives, there is a wide range of conspiracies to choose from here. I don’t know near enough to start speculating now.

I will follow with one point. An 800 report by the commission was released, but many of the associated documents have never been disclosed. If there was nothing to hide, then there should have been no reason to keep them hidden. The only fair response that I can see is that perhaps they had sensitive CIA style information that could confiscate certain aspects of US security. Well, on friday this should be cleared up once and for all. At the very least, it should be interesting!

Oh and if there is something of note... I definitely can’t wait for the spin CNN is going to come up with. Just... you know, throwing that tasty treat out to my audience to salivate over for a few more days :).