RE: Steemit Ask Me Anything Post for #STWT Show 21
@titusfrost - Dear Dean, This is unfinished business about the need to write protest letters to YouTube regarding unspecified violations of community guidelines resulting in strikes with denied appeals. The following comments were exchanged in the video comment section:
(You wrote)
" I can show you proof positive that sub counts do affect view counts. I upload the same videos to the Lulz Machine channel that I upload to my main channel and the view count is ALWAYS way less, normally around 10% or less of the views I get on my main channel. I have the data to prove this."
(I wrote)
"If you have the time and wouldn't mind sharing your viewing stats with us, the correlation between the number of subscribers and the number of views is an extremely important statistic and should be emphasized in the protest letters. And I believe that each letter should ask that the offending material be identified in the minutes segment of the video counter. Somehow YouTube must be held accountable in its arbitrary use of community strike violations. Every community strike must be directly connected to specified content or the strike is invalid. I think each protest letter should include that demand."
I continue to insist that the statistics proving the correlation between the number of subscribers and the number of views are relevant data that should be included in the subscriber protest letters to YouTube. Will you please make that data available?
You are absolutely correct in saying that when a content creator invests time and energy in building his subscriber base, the rewards of that effort should not be diminished by arbitrary community strikes in which the specific objectionable material is never identified. The fight doesn't end with one impassioned outburst. A YouTube protest must be consistent, disciplined and enduring until there is a reasonable response that addresses the issue.
Great question, I will address this for sure.
@titusfrost - Remember to post the stats in your YouTube description box and also here on Steemit so that writers can use that information in their protest letters. As new viewers continue to see the stats and understand why they are significant, there should be a continuing stream of letters demanding YouTube accountability which YouTube must eventually address.
Yeah sure will do.