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RE: [Jeff Berwick] This might be an unpopular question, but I have to ask it: Is Jeff Berwick a Jew? (post it here since the relevant video was not posted on Steemit)

in #jewconspiracy8 years ago (edited)

Jeff believes there's some truth to Jews controlling the world and flooding Europe with migrants to ethno-genocide whites, so if he's a jew he's a very honest one:
Everything he says in his videos is generally truthful. I have nothing bad to say about the guy and even if he was a jew I'd still respect him.
Unlike Stephan Molyneux who is a controlled opposition shill who pretends terror attacks are real, which ultimately helps the State pass tyrannical laws.


It is not that I know or think that JEFF and his crew (the speakers of his conference), plus Doug Casey and others connected to the same group, is jews or not, but it is an idea/theory that I have heard before, that they are people from the Jewish establishment pretending to be against the establishment. Also many of these people got a lot of attention on Youtube.. of course if this theory is true, this will automatically change when we use services like DTube, but it is still an interesting question.

About Stefan Molyneux, then I am a fan of his work and have been following him for many years. I agree that if he believe that terrorist attacks are real, there is something wrong in his beliefs. Also he do not consider that the earth is flat (supposedly is the ball lie incepted by the free masons and maybe Jews), so that is another red flag.

I dont know if he is a shill, supposedly he is living of donations, since he is a jew it could be that he is funded by the jewish society behind the scenes, the same could go for the group I mention above.

I know that it is problematic for me to write this in public, since I basically question most of the "internet"-personas with a lot of exposure online on YouTube, probably doesnt help my Steemit blog, right ? .. but I really think it is important to know if there is something to this theory, or it is just non-sense.

all I know is that the surname Berwick is not jewish. It is an English/Scottish surname:
Of course to be jewish it is the moher's lineage that counts.
If I was to guess based on his facial features I'd say he looks a mix of British and Eastern European (Poland/Ukraine)....and in Eastern Europe there was many jews.....
ultimately only he can answer, but even if he was jewish I doubt he'd say. Being jewish in the truth community gets you dimissed immediately as controlled opposition.

I guess what I have heard it just non-sense. but some belief the Doug Casey gang is jewish...

yes, some of the people he associates with are clearly jewish controlled opposition. One example is Luke Rudowsky who's job is to deflect the attention from any Jewish involvment in the conspiracy. He even tried to do that with 9/11 blaming it only on US and Saudi Arabia until confronted face to face by othe truthers for leaving out the Mossad (the dancing israelis, the art student spy network residing in the towers etc etc).

I think that Jeff is doing a good job in spreading the message of Anarchism, no matter if he is part of a jewish gang or not... but he is also talking a lot of non-sense often in this videos... forinstance in this video, he start by saying he don't support religious views and then later he talk about that God, send some people to him, total contradiction.

But he is a good show man in this movement, we just need to ask the right questions always about our "leaders"...

You ve gotten my follow ! Your questions are similar to my own ! Just recently deprogrammed myself from #realalexjones:/ im sad i never saw that ! I feel betrayed and only now am i questioning those in movements that i follow ! Great questions and i wish more people are like you!IMG_20180829_145314_120.jpg