Baby Eli’s Rare Condition Hasn’t Stopped Him From Being The Cutest Baby On Facebook
Everything was normal as far as McGlathery was concerned before her son was born in Foley, Alabama.But on March 4, 2015, Eli Thompson came into the world with one major problem staring his mother in the face.Eli had no nose.
The condition is known as congential arhinia, and is extremely rare with only about 47 cases being reported so far, according to the National Institutes of Health.Doctors had no idea what to do, and immediately took Eli to a hospital an hour away, and out of the arms of his mother.

Doctors finally realized that Eli wouldn’t be able to eat and breathe at the same time. So he underwent a tracheostomy to make an opening is made in the windpipe to allow breathing. But he wasn’t out of the woods yet…Eli spent weeks in the neo-natal intensive-care unit, but he proved that having no nose wasn’t going to bring him down. As he grows he will need to undergo surgeries every year or two for reconstructive surgery until he reaches puberty.
“After a lengthy conversation, many tears, thanks, & hallelujahs, we finaly have a game plan set in place for Eli,” Just 2 months shy of Eli’s first birthday we will travel to London for our first assessment.” his mother said.We’re sure everyone is anxious waiting for the day Eli receives his new nose.
And until then, he’s busy being absolutely freaking adorable! Most of all he proves that being different doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful. It just means you have an amazing chance to inspire others through your incredible bravery.