in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)

Supernatural stories have always been very common throughout my life; I would say that they were my bedtime stories. My mom had a well-developed gift of being able to hear and see signs from beyond and therefore my sisters and I grew up listening and learning about supernatural events. Each of us has somehow developed part of mom’s gift; however we have not come to have such a developed skill.
For this, I could say that I have many stories to tell, but definitely there is one that I have kept in my memories and that marked my experience with the paranormal, and it is the one I want to share with you today.
Several years ago, I was about 10 years old, I was in my bedroom when my older sister came looking for me. I remember it was December because she took me downstairs and we hide behind the Christmas tree to talk. She asked me to help her to do the Ouija. At this moment in time I don’t remember if at that age I could understand how delicate that practice is, especially for girls among 10 and 14 years old. What I can tell you is that it was an experience that I won’t ever forget.


My sister took a white sheet of paper and drew on each corner the words YES and NO. Then, in the middle of the white rectangle, she drew the alphabet forming the shape of a half moon. At the lower central part of the sheet of paper she drew the numbers from 0 to 9 and under this line the word Goodbye. With a silver chain -and a crucifix hanging of it- in her hand she asked a couple of times: Is there a spirit of light here? It didn’t take long for the crucifix to move towards the corner of the paper sheet pointing out the word YES. At that moment, we started asking questions, many of them were trivial questions of our age. When we considered that we finished asking questions we dismissed the "being of light" saying Goodbye and asking it to say Goodbye too.
The next day we returned to the living room to do the same, and we did so day after day, until one night when mom came down to the living room and saw the shadow of a man standing right next to the Christmas tree. Running up the stairs, my mom came to our room to make us confess what we were doing.


I remember that we went downstairs to the dining room and my mother asked us to give her the sheet we used as the OUIJA and the chain with the crucifix. Since that moment she began to ask the spirit to leave, but it was not easy at all, even with the spiritual strength that my mother had developed during her life, this “being” was very empowered of the house, and it told my mom, using the Ouija sheet, some nasty words about my sister. The lights went down and went up in intensity.
As we growth up as catholic, my two older sisters went to a church nearby home to talk with a priest, but he could not get involved without the permission of the clergy, or at least that's what he told them. After a strong scolding he dismissed them giving them holy water to be sprinkled in all the rooms of the house. This turned out to be less positive as it bothered the entity a lot. As we took each other's hands and prayed, the appliances in the kitchen were turned on by themselves, the lights went up and down, the fridge stopped working, one of the doors of the rooms on first floor closed heavily. I remember how my sisters and I were very scared, and late at night, my mother took us to the car and we left the house.
We went to my grandmother's house to spend the night and take courage to return the next day, but for us it was not easy to sleep, we had the bedroom’s lights on and hold rosaries in our hands to feel protected, we were very afraid of the experience and we knew that it was not over yet.
The next day we returned home, my mom was filled with courage and with the Bible in hand she began to pray for the entity to leave the house. After a few hours, we no longer felt noises, the lights were stable and the refrigerator started to work, we thought that the nightmare was over.
That night we slept all together and with the lights on, we were confidence that this terrible experience was over, the entity was out of the house and, as we learnt our lesson, we would never do something similar again.
A few days went by, one night my sister and I were sleeping quietly and suddenly the blanket that covered my sister flew around the room, she jumped to my bed and together we began to call our parents. The nightmare was not finished, the entity was in our house and it just cheated on us. The lights went down to the minimum and again the house was dark, we felt noise throughout the house and dogs barked towards the windows of the room, it was another sleepless night while we waited for the sun to arise.
The next day a friend of my mom, seeing the desperation my family was going into, asked for help to the order of Rosa Cruz. This is a brotherhood dedicated to the study and development of human beings special faculties related with spiritual and paranormal laws. That afternoon two women and a man went to my house holding lighted candles and holy water bottles. They joined us in pray. We were asked to be out the house for our safety so we went to our grandparent’s. Only mom was at home with the group of Rosa Cruz people. She told us what happened next.
The man that came to our house took the lead role and asked the entity to manifestate itself. The lights went up and down in intensity. One of the ladies explained my parents that there were more than one entity as per the strength they perceived. The group started to pray and spray holy water in every room of the house. They ordered the entities to leave the house. It was an activity that lasted more than four hours; only the strong energy of this group of people could close the dimensional door and get rid of the entities. After that day we haven’t have new paranormal experience, at least nothing out of the ordinary.
This event does not scare me anymore. On the contrary, I have sought to develop the strength and energy to face any kind of paranormal situations and I strongly advice always to anyone that decide to experience this events to have the support of experienced people with knowledge about this type of activity before starting to experiment.
This is my entry into @jerrybanfield's supernatural writing contest. I hope it is to your liking and thank you very much for your consideration and comments.

Thanks to the sponsors @budgets and @gmichelbkk.