in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)

Success was 2years when her parent got separated.she had to go stay with her grandmother who lived in the rural part of Lagos. Her grandmum was the one who strives day and night for success to feed. Grandmum as success do call her will everyday go out to sell mentol sweet in commercial vehicles, she had to jump from one vehicle to the other in order to sell her packet of sweets and rush back home because success was alone at home. By this time, grandfather was dead.
Success started nursery school at 3 and she was doing well but grandma wasn't able to pay for the tuition fees and success had to drop out of school. Grandmum in her old age tried her best to put food on the table for she and success but time was also ticking as grandmum grew weaker and older.
After a year, grandmum decided to take success to her uncle, grandmum's son to take care of her but uncle peter said he had children to take care of and success was going to be a burden and he couldn't take her in. So grandmum had to return back to her house with success. Grandmum started teaching success how to read and write and success was really catching up. Grandmum was excited and kept on taking care of success.
Few years later, success was about 8years, grandmum could no longer walk well and could not do anything for herself. So success had to look for an earn means. Success started harking sachet water on the street so she can have money to take care of herself and grandmum. She kept on doing this for 2years.
Everyone started laughing at her because she was an illiterate, this got success thinking and crying every day not until one day, while she was harking as usual, a woman stopped her and asked her if she was going to school and success replied that she wasn't. The woman took her to a Government school in Lagos and enrolled her into the school. Success was so happy, she ran home to tell grandmum. On getting to the house, she found grandmum lying on the bed, she went close to grandmum to tell grandmum the good news but grandmum was not saying anything or moving her body. After series of calling and shaking grandmum, success ran out to call their neighbour who said grandmum was dead (tears rolled down her eyes) success ran in, shakes grandmum and called her severally but grandmum didn't wake. "Grandmum is dead".
Grandmum was buried, no one for success to stay with, success dad and mum are no where to be found, success is alone in d world, some relatives called her a witch and that she killed grandmum but thanks to God who send the preacher of the local church grandmum and success do worship on Sundays when grandmum was alive, he came and took success in to stay with him and his family.
Success started going to school and due to d fact that she was brilliant, she was double promoted from primary one to primary four. Everyone loved success because she was brilliant and could sing well.
But all of this came to an end on the 6th of July 2008 when success was coming back from school and was ganged raped by three unknown boys who were in an uncompleted building along the path success follows home. Success was rushed to the hospital by some good persons and the preacher was contacted. After some days success was still crying about everything that has bin happening to her, little did she know that she was PREGNANT yea PREGNANT and she was just 11years. She kept on falling sick every time until the preacher had to take her to the hospital there they confirmed she was 7weeks pregnant... This was like for success to kill herself, all hope was lost, grandmum is dead, she doesn't know her parent now she is pregnant! This was the height of it.
Success had to keep the pregnancy because the preacher told her it was not right for her to abort the baby, which she kept. By this time, success could no longer go to school, she had to stay in the house and then she started selling fruit on the road side. Success was not happy, she was always in deep thought and one day while walking on the road, in her deep thought, didn't look before crossing the road and a car hitted her. She was rushed to the hospital where it was confirmed that she lost the baby. It was one of the most difficult time for success who kept on crying everyday and night.
A lot of people came to visit of which one was her mum who had remarried. Success had to follow her mum to her mum new home where she lived with her husband and 2 children. Success tried to forget all of these things that has happened in d past and move on even if these things keeps reflecting in her dreams. Sometimes she was scared of sleeping because she didn't want to dream about those things.
Success returned back to school where she took her common entrance exams and passed and was promoted to jss1(junior secondary school). Life went a little bit well for success but most of the times her step father tends to pick on her for no reason and even sometimes tell her she has no equal right with his children.
Few years later, success watch a movie called "LIKE STARS ON EARTH" and this movie transformed her mentality about life. She got to know that she might av gone through so many things that should have ended her life or make her give up but as far as she has life, there is hope. She thought about a talent God had given to her making of clothes and beads, yea tailoring and bead making so she combined going to school and improving her talent. While she was in sss3(senior secondary school) she wrote her waec examination and when her result came out it was awesome. It was a thing of joy for her at least one thing has finally come out right but she knew that was not the end, she had more to achieve.
6months later, she graduated from her place of learning how to sew and making of bead. She wrote her jamb examination and got admission into a federal university in Nigeria where she graduated from the department of history and international studies. Right now she is an entrepreneur, fashion designer and a bead maker. She who the world had thought will be a waste and useless person has become the bread winner of the house
Her name is SUCCESS AKPAN and I AM SUCCESS AKPAN and this is my sorry....I am getting to the height of my breakthrough....


an interesting story about Success @imaama

Your story is a success... It almost made me shed tears. Maybe I did not she'd the tears but my soul wept and again I became happy that this success did not give up. You're a great hero.

@jerrybanfield have u read my story??

Great story,
Make use of markdown dear

very beautiful post, funny and cute cool