The Visitation (SMC)

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago

I have always been the “sensitive one” of my peers. Always intrigued by science fiction and fantasy, not quite understanding why the magic doesn’t stay. The faces, the figures, the beauty... all things I could see within the negative spaces. The polarities which could mold into perfection. I guess this desire to see the magic stemmed from a knowing that magic was always around. I needed and wanted the confirmation that life IS so much more. I always knew it was, but why couldn’t I see it?

The most memorable experience of Witnessing the closest thing to magic or fantasy, was the night my husbands relatives came to visit me in my sleep. Yet,
This was not the rabbit getting pulled out of a hat magic, and this was not Lord of the Rings fantasy... this was real. As real as anything I have ever experienced.

It began when I was getting ready for bed. I went to go kiss the kids goodnight and make sure all doors were locked in the house. Doors were secure, kids were tucked away, and I was definitely ready for some zzzzz’s. As I got to my room to close the bathroom door I was started by what appeared to a voice saying “Hey you”... at the same moment I saw a figure of a man sitting in the tub with his arm resting on the porcelain rims. At this moment I jumped up and turned on the light. My heart was racing to say the least. I screamed to my husband and told him what had just happened. Now, just to let you in on a little secret... my husband is used to these episodes... and although he is an Engineer... he trusts my experiences always. So, he looked at me and basically said “huh, I wonder why it was here?” And rolled over and went to sleep. So, with that I rolled over wondering the same thing... I wonder why it was here?

About 15 min later, when I was almost asleep, the strangest thing began happening. Images started blaring into my consciousness and developing like a picture reel. One after another, pictures were flashing before me in my minds eye and I wasn’t able to figure them out. As I lay there in a half awake, half dream like state, one of the pictures slowed down. It was a picture of my husbands Grandma and her identical twin that I had seen many times. They were dancers in Vegas many years ago, and there was a picture being shown to me very clearly that was meant to emphasize Grandma Nana. Then as the picture faded, I saw in a far distance someone doing cartwheels! Lol. (Now, please I know this sounds silly, but just wait you’ll understand why soon) as the person was doing cartwheels from left to right, left to right, back and forth they were getting closer and closer. I realized it was a man! And I KNEW it was the same man that had come to visit me that same night in the tub. And then I realized, it was my husbands Grandfather that I had Never met, but seen pictures of many times. By the time he was done with his cartwheels and had gotten right in front of me, he did a silly shuffle, put his hands up and said “it’s alright right!?” And I remember laughing hysterically and waking myself up from laughter. (This is only the beginning so bare with me)

Startled by the whole thing I shook my husband awake and told him everything that had happened! He wasn’t amused... “wow... thats weird elise, get some rest and Tell me about it more tomorrow”

Rest!? How was I supposed to go to sleep after something like that? I was high with energy waves pulsing through my veins! I just connected with your Grandpa from the other side... and he’s hilarious! Yet... he was right. It was time for rest. As I closed my eyes the second time, I was in a lucid state again. I was in my bed, in my room, but now I felt a warm small hand gently touching my arm, I looked over and it was a small Hispanic little girl. Her warmth was pure love and I could tell she was trying to make me feel comfortable and secure in this experience I was having. I realized right away that this was my Father in laws sister that had passed away as a child. As I looked over at her I saw her gaze staring straight ahead towards the end of my bed. Standing at the end of my bed was my husbands Maternal Grandfather that had just visited standing on the right, my husbands paternal Grandfather that hadn’t appeared yet standing on the left, and a young man sitting between them. I realized this young man was a man my sister in law had been dating that died tragically months before. They each had a hand on both of his shoulders, and I remember him looking at me in a somewhat embarrassed way and said “I like your drawings” lol. (I had no idea what this meant at the time but it will make sense later) I then looked up to the top left at My husbands Paternal Grandfather David, and all of a sudden he stuck out his young and shook his head (exactly the way my father in law does it) and went Bleeeeeehhhhhhh in a comical lighthearted way. Lol. I couldn’t believe the things that were happening!! It was so surreal yet REAL. And then I awoke. Once again, I explained what I saw, this time I was crying to my husband. It was all so much. My body was vibrating with an energy I hadn’t experienced before and I was full of emotion. I cuddled close to my husband and fell back asleep.

The last and final time I was visited I remember my sister in laws boyfriend coming to my consciousness. It seemed as though he didn’t have much time but he was trying to tell me something. He all of a sudden appeared in my minds eye dressed in an old time waiter outfit... he then held out his arm with a pure white napkin crisp and ready to serve. And then I realized what he was telling me. He wanted me to tell my sister in law that he was serving others on the other side, he was being of service. As soon as he saw that I understood, the dream ended, and I awoke with a gasp. As I sat up for the last time my eyes focused on the kitchen, outside our door. Slowly in the kitchen I could see the figure of my husbands maternal Grandfather forming from what appeared to be an electrical light. He stood tall and in what looked like to be a military uniform. He stood there looking at us. I then shook my husband awake and literally screamed “do you see him!? He’s RIGHT THERE! It’s your Grandpa!!” My husband trying to stay calm said, no babe, I don’t see him?? Is he there?? “Yes! He is standing right there looking over at us!” And as soon as he appeared, he was gone.

The next day The first thing I did was call my mother in law to tell her what had happened. We were both crying. She then told me that her Dad was always a goof ball, always trying to make others feel happy and comfortable. She confirmed that he was trying to make it so I wouldnt be scared while cartwheeling back and forth. She then went on to tell me that her Dad was notorious for taking LONG baths, and he would hang out in the bath for hours. (I had never heard this about her Dad) I talked with My husbands Dad and told him about the silly face that his Dad had made and he confirmed that HE learned that from his Dad. I also told him about his little sister providing comfort and love in this experience and he knew that is exactly what she would have done. I then talked to my sister in law, we cried together while she had told me that she had desperately been seeking confirmation that her boyfriend now on the other side was ok, she also informed me that he had been an artist and loved drawing on his spare time (something else I never knew!) that was an incredible confirmation of why he would have said something like “I like your drawings” (I am also an artist)

I KNOW that our ancestors are with us after this experience. And, not only that, but when we lose someone that is close to us, our family knows our anxieties and they are there to help guide people in the direction they are going. Now, whether there is a heaven, hell, God, Universal Consciousness, all the above or none at all I have no clue. I am not relgious (anymore... another story I’d love to share at another time) but I do know one thing. Love binds all things. Not just love in the sense that we as mere humans understand it, but love in a sense that is not understandable. The energy of everything, the binding of it all. It’s there, and it’s magnificent.

Thank you for reading my story and thank you to @jerrybanfield for providing a platform for these types of experiences to get shared.


Thank you very much @elise333 for writing this amazing story and submitting it to SWC. This was certainly a very unusual family reunion! I sent 12 STEEM directly to your account for your participation in the contest.

😱Oh my goodness thank you SO MUCH!! That is so incredibly generous of you!! I really don’t know how to use steem as well as I want to but I signed up for a training so I can better understand how to use this steem. I will definitely pay it forward. Thanks again, I really really appreciate you taking the time to not only add it to the list but also for reading it.

My pleasure and as you go you will learn more and more about Steem and how awesome it is!