Letter to My Unborn Grandchildren – Number 11 – We Are All Unique: And That’s Okay

in #jeff6 years ago

There are approximately 195 sovereign countries on earth. That means 195 governmental entities that control what goes on within its borders. Sadly, as a government ages unchecked it tends to progress toward totalitarianism simply to justify its own existence; which is where the United States is now. The federal government has effectively regulated away start-up businesses that can make a difference in peoples’ lives because the barriers to entry (costs and regulation) are too great. We now know that innovators such as Facebook, Amazon, and Google have taken tens of millions of dollars from the government to further its agenda of controlling every aspect of our lives. All of which have the effect of centralizing control.

Having read and listened to a lot of alternate points of view; I have settled on embracing Jeff Berwick’s ideal that since there are 7.5 million people on the planet, there should be 7.5 million sovereign entities. The good news is that technology will allow for that now. It is so much easier in 2018 to build relationships and do business with people all over the planet. Cryptocurrencies offer an instant form of payment and the underlying blockchain provides the logistical side of global transactions. If my generation fails to make this phenomenon a success; it is up to you to resurrect it.

How did we get to this point? As I’ve said before government propaganda pits us against one another in order to keep us unaware of the truth of what is happening in the world; or to villainize people in other countries to justify creating large bureaucratic agencies ‘for our own protection.’ We’ve also discussed that the value they extract comes from us, and we unwittingly oblige their perversions. It’s time for us to flip that narrative in order to provide the opportunity for you to express your innately happy life in an outward manner that will prove infectious to those around you. For that to happen we must all realize that each of us are unique, and that’s a good thing. In the infinity of the universe no two humans will have the same experiences, thoughts, beliefs, or morals. It is incumbent on all of us to not form those personal attributes based on the propaganda we are fed; or even how our parents raise us. Our uniqueness calls out for self-awareness. For that to happen you must connect your mind to the universe and draw in its wisdom, process it, and determine for yourself who you are. Parents can only guide based on their experience, and the brilliant ones allow their kids to determine their place in life instead of trying to make carbon copies of themselves. Sadly, most parents are unaware that anger can be passed down through generations, and happiness can only be self-actualized from within each of us. That fact is capitalized upon by the elite in their spoon-fed propaganda.

In this universe of infinite possibilities, one can struggle to envision how they fit into their particular set of circumstances. Instead of trying to fit in, I believe we should all view ourselves as living on a different plane. No one is exactly like us, and sometimes we have great difficulty understanding how others express themselves. In a truly loving environment it is not up to anyone to judge, but to understand. In my mind interpersonal relationships happen as two planes intersect. When two planes come together they can intersect anywhere along their respective narrow edges. The depth of that intersection will be determined by the mutually beneficial nature of the relationship. Our individual infinite planes are influenced by the three-dimensional environment in which our physical expressions live. Numerous intersections encountered throughout life are only a minuscule part of who we are, but afford us the opportunity to find commonality with other humans. The surfaces of each individual’s plane is more complex than the intersecting point of the two. Associations can be either good or bad, and is up to each of us to decide whether to jettison particular relationships in favor of more productive and satisfying ones. Satisfying associations are those who genuinely exchange balanced personal value; without the intervention of an outside entity.

When you can bring your plane into a perfectly balanced intersection, where you and your partner meet in the exact middle of your planes’ intersection, that has the makings of a relationship that could last eternally. Sex, race, religion, national origin, etc. doesn’t matter. As long as the two of you are able to balance your energies, it’s golden.

Until we meet!

Love, Papa