Wander with us to: Todaji Temple @ Nara, Japan | 東大寺 @ 奈良,日本

in #japan6 years ago (edited)

Happy Weekend!

We're back with our travel series! In our last travel post, we showed you around the Deer Park in Nara, Japan. Also in Nara, we will be showing you the Todaji Temple today.

A bit of a background to this place: Todaji Temple which means "Great Eastern Temple", is a famous and historic Buddhist temple located in Nara, Japan. It is the iconic temple of Nara. At this temple, you will be able to see the world's largest bronze Buddha Vairocana (Daibutsu in Japanese). It is a 15 metre tall statue!


Before you reach the temple, you must enter through the wooden Nandaimon Gate. There are two Nio Guardian Kings (guards) at the gate. Sounds scary? Not really, they're statues but they do look fierce.


Here's a picture of the Nandaimon Gate. You can spot a few deers in this picture too!


Inside the temple there is also the Kokuzo Basatsu (Bodhisattva of Wisdom and Memory) and a giant wooden statue of the Koumokuten (one of four heavenly kings).



There was also a giant bell with fine designs on it. I don't' think we managed to capture the giant bell to show you but we did manage to capture a zoom-in to show you the mentioned design on it. It's amazing how they put so much attention to the details here.

The temple is open everyday of the week. There is an entry fee of 600 yen. It's worth paying for to experience and see history in front of you.

If you happen to be Buddhist or wanting to pay your respects, you can also burn some incense offerings.

Last but not least, we'd like to thank the couple who stopped to helped us take this obligatory tourist shot 😂 . It's so rare for us to get a full body shot together when travelling. Should probably get a tripod, hey?

我们上次在Steemit上有带你们去日本的《奈良鹿公园》了。 今天也是在奈良, 我们要带你们去看看东大寺。 东大寺是日本一个很有名也有历史的寺庙。 这个也是奈良的标志性寺庙。为什么这个寺庙会那么有名呢? 这是因为里面有世界最大的青铜佛像。 有15米高!在这个寺庙里也有智慧与记忆的菩萨和Koumokuten (四位天王中的一位).


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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://wanderwithtwo.net/2018/06/30/wander-with-us-to-todaji-temple-nara-japan-%e6%9d%b1%e5%a4%a7%e5%af%ba-%e5%a5%88%e8%89%af%ef%bc%8c%e6%97%a5%e6%9c%ac/


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