#nftyr example : loader
submission , section "loaders"
music vid : sh0 - "funny fucker"
made with ft2 (by Triton) https://demozoo.org/groups/337/
must be ... between 1995-2000 probably, and might count as the very first full song with ft2 (never released ofc. WHEN HAVE WE EVER RELEASED ANYTHING ? THAT WOULD BE LIKE SAYING "im studying college electronics from my armchair" ... in public)
the fun fact here is that google dubbed it 18+
meanwhile the video is a black screen so we assume its american puritans because it says copulate in the title
but no one here says copulate , we like Tarantino better back when jackson wasnt woke
the main site is still Janes OnderGround though https://tyrnannoght.eu still points at the same but we'll probably switch that on the next renewal of the hosting sub - (unless we suddenly take off like our name is "musk-shoots-rockets" for no reasons given)
(the url will be changed to JanesOndergrond.art (since thats the name and the other is a zbelling booboo) and this one will be kept until expired , since we have no visitors it doesnt really matter. Registration on registration, submission atm by leaving a link here or mailing it.)
you can see "loaders", "freestyle", "logorrhea" and "galmeetsdemo" there as well as styles of loaders
if you're interested enough, if you're not then it doesnt matter, does it
we're not selling anything ... right then
sites listed , CHECK !
oooh, we dont have sceneid or csdb , when we wanted to register it said "why would you need an account" and someone inhere went "actually yea, thats right" ... so we didnt
(if anyone would insist we have one you can always mail us, atm we dont really see the point in having one)
ft2 is composing , its like writing a musical score but you include reverb and all that into your opcoded so you code the sample to bounce from left to right channel by adding the right code for panning and volume and what not
its a bit like "how hubberd and tel did Sid" but with more shiney (cuz THAT must have been the true hardcore art of coding music)
Might we add, back when le sh0 (which is s h null, not japanese for leader or general) ... what it FITS in an arcade cabinet highscore box ...
on a pentium 60 was like what must be the equiv of2left-right 15 euro speakers with no woofers to it so a lot of stuff from back when will be totally overbassed ...
and also
we have no hi school degree even since we quit and we still think we should have quit SOONER (like at 15 or something) since we could read before first year when they teach you by auto-didactilated peopelism
which is a fact and nothing to boast about b/c we have always been weird since we had a lot more input from everything around since the kid was mini-kid
so we had five hours of IT in hi school which came down to "this is a floppy" and "this is the powerplug"
and zero of music school (like slash but we aint THAT GOOD ...)
and we never released anything
... and you think what you will
but thats not to boast or big heddery
we just hate the spotlight and we suck at salesforce
or taking it up the ass from management
HIGHLY un-manageable (that was BEFORE you broke us, trying to fix us and slice of the useful bits, so since you cant have jane without the ondergrond you just kept creating new ones)
so thats even worse AFTER and now we are like stuck , going nowhere and too old to work at mcdonals (HAA HAA HAA as if we COULD still do that without wacking the manager with a pan of fries after 15 minutes for yanking)
and dont be too hard on a first song with fast tracker, it was all #justforfun (life wasnt too bad back then, that WORKS if you're not a blues-hobo)
all this was on a cd (you remember those ? they invented that at 17gb capacity and said "lets sell them at 650mb first") with windows boot samples (remember those?) it had a folder with ft2 and some mods and a lot of samples so we assume since that was sold in free record shop
all samples are clear :)
former examples :
freestyle :
title | type |
Uncle Bobber (nonkel Triton miks) | loader |
Tower of Tweens (sinezit miks) | loader |
1st1(k) | galmeetsdemo |
sprinkler splash | loader |
novel-ties | galmeetsdemo |
my little inflation pony | anim/gif-webp-apng |
dance of death | render |
the welcoming party | fanart - comic/manga |
lazing on a sunny | fanart - comic/manga |
the road | fanart - comic/manga |
it felt her skindeep | retouche |
scientifically accurate star trek wars | fanart - comic/manga |
loader:frottish -pollen miks- | loader-AGK |
some #stuff you might want to read if you're interested in knowing more
there are no actual real rules atm other than what the state and crotter forces us to, ... which is mostly negated by having only a session cookie and zero tracking code
life ?
life is null so there's nothing to say
"is your medication working?"
"you're still alive arent you?"
"hm, maybe we need something stronger for you"
cmdr Gato
maybe 30 years ago we would have cared ... but whatever it is
i bet the answer is NO
It's something I can't stand is the managers/ superiors/bosses always telling you to do pointless shit and most of them are some of the dumbest zombies.
Thats what jobs are for : to find out where the thinkers are and to keep them down
It's like politicians dont need to be smart
they need charisma and connections
managers neither
they just need no conscience
just remind yourself its not worth the jailtime lol ... :p
i once had to go negotiate and apologize to a former
euh employer for hitting him a black eye (like five years later when i bumped into him ... so he must have left a memory heheh)
We have a ridiculous justice system it's literally like anybody can just get away with murder and spent a year or 2 no problem, however for me personally it's not worth the time or the experience.

Ah yes those zombies again in their circle, still this rings very true for me.
so true, sorry this is so late - im in a bit of a state of negation towards the world lately so i seem to miss a lot of stuff on replies and the few people i have left in my phone too.
Its not like anything i do will change anything at all and its not like anything i try will get me anywhere i want so it doesnt actually matter.
Since they put solar panels on all rent-houses here "for people who didnt pay them" im a bit "out" too , you know ?
Where's my 10k renovation money ?