Police misconduct
Imagine if the police had a way to take 100% of your money digitally from your phone
Imagine if they even had a way to record you committing crimes and privately whenever they wanted
Imagine if the money that you had was stored in a bank And imagine if it was in the form of gold or silver
Imagine if Police wanted to corner every business and recorded people talking about committing crimes for 40 years
Imagine if they could all get together on the same day And look up 600 million people in jail
Imagine if once they had everybody locked up, They could drain everyone’s bank account that was still outside
Imagine if they did this to corner trading interests. After building the police as 9,000 year project
Imagine if all you could do to put an and to it was complained
Imagine if the police knew the CEO of every business, including every business leader And imagine if they all talked about committing crimes in front of another TV or on their phone
Imagine if the police could use his tactic to acquire every business and every trade rout in the country And imagine if they could do it while they had all of your cousins, who are next in line to run those businesses in jail