| CHALLENGE 📷 | When I was a kid, all Santas looked like ninjas
When I was a kid, Santas looked like ninjas.
In the Romanian version of the 90's, I think every kindergarten had it's own custom Santa, or at least a version of the concept. They would call it Santa, but most of the times it was rather Creepy Santa. In my case, at least they tried, the beard was made out of white cotton. My sister's Santa looked like it might kill you.
This is my entry to the #iwasakid #challenge by @grow-pro

Want to Enter? It's Simple!
• The post can be a photo from your childhood or something that reminds you of your childhood - music, food, clothing, toys, places, or anything like that! Feel free to get as creative as you like!
• Be sure to use #iwasakid as 1 of your 5 tags in your post - this will help others view your posts related to the challenge!
• Copy & Paste these simple rules so others can easily participate
• Engage & Interact - the challenge is meant to bridge communication gaps and offer topics of discussion - even if you do not wish to make a post yourself, feel free to check out the#iwasakid tag and comment on your favorites. Friends are usually people we can relate to - you might just find a new friend!
• Drop your steemit #iwasakid post below in the comments OR in any of my posts with that TAG #iwasakid

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