Follow Me to The Beach of Piombino in the Evening - Abends am Strand in Piombino, kommt mit!

in #italy6 years ago


Hey guys! I love to make a walk next by the sea, the place is like a small beautiful paradise, especially in the evening! The air of the sea is calming me down and the sleep after walks such like this is usually very deep. I did not sea any people around me at the beach in the evening and I took advantage of the hour to enjoy the solitude to the full :) From my holiday home, I went down the hill to the valley and then I began to discover a stone beach, the stones were huge and it was hard to get into the water for a swim. The special thing about the stretch of the beach was that the waves were pretty strong and so a perfect setting was created to snap some special photos. After that I went directly to the harbor. The port was also deserted, many boats have found their place there and were just nice to watch :) The path went on towards the sandy beach, the sunset greeted me, after that I went satisfied back into my vacation accommodation :)

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I love the sound of the waves

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some paddle boats and canoes were laying around

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Enjoying atmosphere of the port in Italy

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Beautiful evening colors

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Sun set at sandy beach

Wish you all a nice Sunday - See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in German


Hallo Ihr Lieben! Ein ruhiger und wunderschöner Spaziergang am Meer tut gut, besonders Abends! Dann wenn der Körper runter fährt, liebe ich es nochmal die Seeluft zu schnuppern, danach kann man meistens immer tief und fest schlafen. Abends war keine Menschenseele mehr am Strand zu sehen und ich nutzte die Gunst der Stunde aus, um die Einsamkeit in vollen Zügen zu geniessen :) Von meiner Ferienunterkunft aus ging es den Hügel runter ins Tal und daraufhin entdeckte ich erstmal einen Steinstrand, die Steine waren riesig und dies erschwerte den Weg ins Wasser. Das besondere an dem Strandabschnitt war, dass der Wellengang ziemlich stark war und so war eine perfekte Kulisse geschaffen einige besondere Fotos zu knipsen. Danach ging es von dort aus direkt zum Hafen. Der Hafen war ebenso Menschenleer, viele Schiffchen haben dort ihren festen Platz gefunden und waren erstmal einfach nur schön anzuschauen :) Der Weg ging weiter Richtung Sandstrand, der Sonnenuntergang begrüsste mich und ich ging zufrieden wieder ins Häuschen!

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Ich liebe das Rauschen der Wellen

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einige Paddelboote und Kanus liegen herum

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Geniesse die Hafenatmosphäre in Italien

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Schöne Farben am Abend

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Sonnenuntergang am Sandstrand

Wünsche euch allen einen schönen Sontag - Bis bald und nen fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3


Sehr schöne Fotos Nur Geil

Hey, @lenatramper you are looking so beautiful and your all photo shot is simply amazing..thanks for share this travelfeed..

So beautiful location also you.

photography is very beautiful, you deserve praise from all users steemit, I really like it

Unfinishing diary about travelling. Thanks @lenatramper for existing to share beautiful place pictures around the world.

I do not know what to say ...
Your post is very impressive and nice ...

Saya sangat bangga dengan anda, thanks @lenatramper

hello @lenatramper you are so beautiful tonight. I can not let you alone there.
your post is very good

Beautiful scenery @lenatramper thanks a lot for your support, hope you are always happy?

You have my respect @lenatramper, wonderful person like you derserves wonderful place like that! Enjoy the weekend!