US State Passes Law Defining Any Criticism of Israel as ‘Anti-Semitic’

in #israel6 years ago

The news that Israel killed more than 60 Palestinians on Monday alone, has sparked criticism from Americans who are frustrated with the United States’ failure to hold one of its closest allies accountable for the human rights violations it is committing—and individuals in one state will soon be labeled as “anti-Semitic” for openly voicing their opinion.

South Carolina will become the first state to legally define criticism of Israel as “anti-Semitism” when a new measure goes into effect on July 1, targeting public schools and universities. While politicians have tried to pass the measure as a standalone law for two years, they finally succeeded temporarily by passing it as a “proviso” that was slipped into the 2018-2019 budget.

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Video By: The Free Thought Project

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Welcome to the future. Our Best Friends Forever already control the banks, the media, the congress and Dumpy Dumb, why should they not also control our minds and thoughts as well? They took your foreskin and told you it was for "hygiene". Now they take your free speech.

Israhell doenst just get away with anything and everything, they can even squeeze your balls hard for merely calling them out on their monumental crimes against humanity! Israeli officials announced Friday that they will completely refuse all cooperation with the new UN probe into the Nakba Day killings of 61 Palestinian protesters at the Gaza border. The protesters were killed by Israeli troops. Let’s recognize the hypocrisy. If a similar situation had occurred in Iran, the US government and the media would cry crocodile tears and turn it into a spectacle. When 20 violent protesters were killed in Libya (after the mob burned down government buildings and killed some cops), the US and EU passed UN resolutions to bomb Libya. In Syria, as soon as some Al Qaeda protesters died, Obama said, “Assad must go!” and imposed sanctions.

Well, if you control the banks, the media and most governments world wide, you can do pretty much what the hell you want. Lie, cheat, manipulate, kill, defame, besmear, attack, cutting of your foreskin, it's all fair game if you are the "chosen ones". The cattle does not deserve better.

true the same time there is absolutely no rhyme reason or need for the zionists to be in charge of the banking system. We dont need all that Credit Default Swap mumbo jumbo and the high priests of finance are so worthless if the whole lot died tomorrow no one would even notice,life would simply go on unimpeded.
So the root cause here is our finance system has been hijacked and through that all other institutions have been corrupted, we do know it. How do we fix it? Even crypto adoption and uptake hasnt been strong enough to even pose a mild challenge.

If you get to the bottom of the issue you will find out that the cabal did not hijack our banking system, they CREATED it. It is at it's core an evil system in which money will be created out of thin air, or simply printed, loaned out and returned with interest. America took a nose dive after the Federal Bank was created in 1914. America had a fine infrastructure BEFORE income tax. The whole system is created to rip people off. And I am afraid the whole crypto thing is nothing but to normalize digital currency in the mind of the people. It will not give us freedom but more control for the parasites. They are behind it, they will control it one way or the other and they will profit from it.

Even Hamas is funded by Israhell

Israhell truly ceases to amaze me... this now- Bibi is a known smuggler of nuclear triggers. Simply 😲

I am speechless, but I guess money talks. I mean there is no way a small country like Israel will have any power over the strongest country in the history of human kind unless its about the money!

I live in NC and the amount of "I support Israel" bumper stickers I see on a daily basis is enough to make me sick.
The fact that this law targets universities speaks to the stifling of free speech in what are supposed to be places of academia supporting a "marketplace of ideas." The notion that these college campuses are the grounds for real debate about big ideas is laughable.

BOOOO...come one . This is a big flag for me. We shall never bow down to Israel, it is no friend of the U.S.

Ok we're waisting millions of dollars on this b.s. nobody spends it better then tge US though but we'll be fine but couldnt we put this money to something else????? Im surprised that SC would be so liberal with this

Well to that law i say duck israel

I can attest that many citizens of the U.S. are not happy with the double standard we hold our Israeli allies too in regards to human standards. antisemitism has been on the rise in this country as of late. I don't expect this South Carolina law to be enforced or change anything about how people or lawmakers talk about Israel. That is a really poor and unconstitutional law though
