I was critical of Israel in the past. Now I love Israel

in #israel7 years ago


I'm from Denmark and is not Jewish.

In the past I was critical about Israel. I was wrong. The reason why I was critical is because in Europe the mainstream media is anti-Israel, so they manipulated me to think Israel were the bad guys in the "Palestinian" conflict. It changed, when my father got a job in Israel at the Italian Embassy. He told me, I was wrong about my views. At first I thought, he had been through intense Israeli brainwashing, because in Europe it is kind of common sense, that Israel is the aggressor and the "poor Palestinians" are the victims.

I did my research, talked with many Israelis, I was accused of being a Nazi etc., because I asked questions to understand the conflict. It was really tough to figure out what the truth was about. I understand the anger and aggression. You are a really traumatized people under attack from all sides. So I understand that you have a protective shield. I have experienced the beautiful passionate hearts of Israelis. Lots of love and compassion.

The truth:
To make a long story short. It is about Islam brainwashing Muslim children to believe Jews have to be killed. The Hadith, we all know about: “You will fight against the Jews and you will kill them until even a stone would say: come here, O Muslim, there is a Jew, so kill him.”

All the arguments about "stolen" land etc., is just a fake argument, they use to justify their hate and anger against Jews and to trick us non-Jews to join them in their religious hate. They also hate us non-Muslims with passion. That's what we are finding out in the West at the moment, especially here in Denmark, because we have an open debate about Islam.

When I discovered all the deception of the Muslims and their Pallywood. I turned 180 and defended Israel and Jews with passion. I learned that Jews in general except for few bad guys like Soros, are the Nr. 1 humanitarians on the planet, and they try so hard to do the right thing and uplift humanity.

I do think Israelis, shouldn't please the Muslims. Israel is like a woman in a violent relationship. She is allowing to be treated like a doormat. She tries hard to please the violent man and all the kindness she offers is returned with more beatings. It comes down to self love and self respect. Don't allow the Muslims to treat you like that!

I believe the best way to deal with antisemitism is to expose the Muslims' belief system about killing Jews, expose Pallywood on a massive scale. Call out the Fake News Media in especially Europe and confront ignorant Westerners with kindness and truth. I was not confronted. I had to do hardcore research myself with no help at all, and to argue with Jews that thought I was a Jew hater to figure out, what the truth is.

Israelis are the best people on the planet, and you deserve much love and respect. I absolutely love Israel, Israelis and the Jewish culture.
