
in #israel6 days ago


So, here's why 99% of the anti-Israel rhetoric -- the anti-zionists rhetoric -- is really built out of stupidity or hatred toward the Jews.

I think that arguments regarding who is indigenous to a region are all red herrings. Still, leftists like to use the argument, especially in regard to Israel. And, leftists still lose that argument. If you take the Bible as perfect gospel, the Canaanites were the indigenous people. Last I checked, they're not a part of the debate. If anything, if you're making this argument, the Jews had claim to the land for over a thousand years before Islam even became a thing. If we're gonna go down this freaking road, the Jews are the minority that got expelled from their indigenous land by a much larger group, and Israel is the homecoming of the indigenous people to their native land.

The thing is, that's me using the dumb leftist argument. I don't even believe that the argument that indigenous people should get the land of their ancestors back is a strong one. I don't see the students at Columbia demanding that their dorms be donated as housing for the remaining Iroquois.

The Nakba, that pro-Palestinian people keep repeating without understanding was Israel, as a fledgling nation, being able to repel a gang bang if neighboring Muslim nations attempting another genocide. The plan wasn't to create an independent Palestinian state. The goal was to kill all the Jews, and divide the land up between Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt.

If you lift a finger to understand the history, you know that the whole "free-Palestine" movement is just a genocidal cover. There was never a call to create a Palestinian state during the 300 years of the Ottoman Empire. Even after the Ottoman Empire collapsed, there was no call for a Palestinian state for years. If anyone was calling for a Palestinian state in 1948, it was the British and the Jews. The call from the Muslim world was simply to end Israel and kill the Jews.

Still, these are all red herrings. I'll win on the red herrings all day. Still, the real point remains...

If you had two buttons in front of you, and you had to press one, and button A put the entire world under the power of Israel, and button B put the entire world under the power of Iran, or Hamas, or Hezobollah -- which button do you push?

We all know that the liberal answer, the sensible answer, the morally correct answer, is to push button A.

If you care for freedom of speech, which I know a lot of you don't, you smash button A. If you care for democracy, to smash button A. If you care for women's rights, you smash button A. If you care for gay rights or trans rights or both, you smash button A.

If you would smash button A, and you still want Israel gone, and you're still shouting "From the river to the sea." the only thing left is that you hate the Jews.