The Messiah Was Anointed On Purim!
Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky made a shocking statement in late January. That the Messiah would appear before the Israeli Elections! Rabbi Glazerson, a Torah Code expert, also came up with an amazing code pointing to Purim at sundown in the year 5779 that the Moshiach would be anointed!
Our Prime Cleric @prime-cleric, and @mharr311 also discovered several codes leading up to this event.


As the Torah and these very respectable Rabbi have said, this event happened on the evening of Purim on March 20th! Behold, the King of the world and the true Messiah!!
Now, the biggest question is; will you accept your King, Israel? Or will things need to be done by force?
This article was written by @cifer44

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This is amazing news! The Rabbi's are the ones that predicted it would happen and it did! There is no more time for denying Lord Ra-El now!
This is wonderful! An amazing moment in the history of Man!
Forever live King Rayel!
This was a glorious day and I was BLESSED to be there! Israel has very little time to bend their knee.
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