Islamic Religion Teaching About the Human Spirit (part 2)
When people read the opinions of the thinkers of old and new about the occult (spirit and life after death), do not swallow it raw, do not believe it. Both the opinions of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Kong Hu Tju or the opinion of Spiritist members with their experience already described in previous posts. All we have to do first with the verses of the Holy Qur'an and the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. Moreover, sorcerers and mystical experts and spiritual streams they generally get based on the whisper of the Jin's creatures, who are generally not good Jin, but evil Jin, to mess up human life alone.
Everybody raises his hands in respect of thinkers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Hume and others who have submitted their findings and their opinions about the spirit and state of the spirit after divorce. Most of their audience are in accordance with the verses of the Qur'an and the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad but besides there are also their opinions contrary to the verses of the Qur'an and the hadiths, as will be stated in the the following description.
It is said that it is necessary to raise their hands and respect them, because they have reddened their mind and mind so that most of them are convinced that the eternal and eternal spirit of man is convinced of the existence of God and life in the Hereafter before the care of the Prophets and Apostles -rasul to them. So it is not wrong if Europeans named Socrates and Plato as "Jesus zonder Bybel" or Prophets without Scripture.
Almost all the great thinkers and religions listed above believe that spirits are the source of life, awareness and understanding, that the spirit is eternal and eternal, remains conscious and understanding, can feel happy and difficult, miserable and happy, happy and sad after divorcing with the body. All believe and believe that good spirits will experience joy and happiness, while the spirits of evil people will experience distress and misery. All fit with the teachings of Islam, with the verses of the Holy Qur'an and the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad.
Source from the book HIDUP SESUDAH MATI, by H.Bey Arifin
### ***There is still a very long review of "Islamic Religion Teaching About the Human Spirit". I will connect to the next post.*** ### ***Look forward to my next post***