Let's take a second to remind that most popular name of baby boy's and men in England and Wales by far is Muhammad "
Prophet Muhammad’s personality is not just admirable but exemplary. His personality reflects his great humility and approach ability as a person.He did not let go of his hand while shaking before his partner let go first.
Prophet Muhammad was born in 570 CE (Common Era) in the city of Mecca in the Arabian Peninsula, part of modern day Saudi Arabia. As his father had died shortly after marriage, his grandfather ‘Abd al-Muttalib became his guardian. ‘Abd al-Muttalib was the respected head of the clan of Hashim and the tribe of Quraysh, to which his clan belonged. With the Quraysh being the biggest and most influential tribe in Mecca, ‘Abd al-Muttalib was seen as the master of all of Mecca. The Quraysh had a special status in Mecca because they used to be in charge of the sacred Ka’ba. The Qur’an tells us that this holy edifice was built by Prophets Abraham and his son Ishmael:
And when Abraham and Ishmael were raising the foundations of the House [Abraham prayed]: “Our Lord! Accept from us; surely You are the Hearing, the Knowing (2.127). Our Lord! Make us Muslims and raise from our offspring a nation of Muslims. Show us our ways of worship, and relent toward us. Surely, Your are the Relenting, the Merciful” (2.128).
so,this is a few facts about Him from among of tremendous number of his awesomeness life stories
--- A camel Boy
Prophet Muhammad was born an orphan as his father died before his birth, and his mother died when he was just 6 yrs old in Mecca. The 6-year-old was left on the margins and worked as a camel boy on the trade convoys to Damascus. He was a descendant of the Prophet Ismail, the son of Prophet Ibrahim.
--- His Wife Proposed Him for marriage
At the age of 25 years, he married Khadija who was a widow of 40 yrs. Since Khadija was his employer, she proposed to him. It was a monogamous marriage that lasted 24 years until her death. All his later marriages were a diplomatic alliance to secure his base as a leader. It’s worth noting that he had five children with Khadija, he had none with any of his later wives.
--- The sacred verses
Prophet Muhammad continued to have revelations throughout his life until before his death in 632, so he kept adding to the Quran his whole life. The last additions came just a few months before his death.
---Established the Constitution of Medina
The Charter of Medina, also known as the Constitution of Medina, was outlined by the Prophet Muhammad in 622 CE shortly after his arrival at Medina. It constituted an agreement between the various groups of Muslims, Jewish, pagans, and Christians in Medina, declaring them to constitute “one nation.” The charter formed the basis of an Islamic state in Medina.
--- The arbitrator
Prophet Muhammad at the age of 35 helped settle the delicate issue between two clans regarding the resetting of the sacred Black Stone in Kaaba. He got the leaders of both clans to hold ends of the cloth, and himself carried the Black Stone in that cloth.
--- Tried to bring racial equality
The Prophet tried to remove racial biases present in the society by his personal examples. His closest companions’ Bilal bin Riba and Salman Farsi were former slaves. The Prophet in his last sermon declared “a white has no superiority over black, nor does a black over a white, except by piety and good action.”
--- Advocated women’s rights
The reforms which the Prophet Muhammad instituted in the 7th century did not exist even in the West until the early 20th century. These include ending the ‘honor’ killings, taking a woman’s approval before her marriage, providing women’s right to own private property, and also get a unilateral divorce if the husband is abusive. He also advocated re- marriages for a widow or divorcee women. The Prophet supported women education too and declared that “learning is obligatory upon every Muslim man and woman” and that “he who gives the best upbringing and education to his daughters shall enter paradise.”
--- Not a supporter of wars
Prophet permitted war only to establish religious freedom or for self-defense. The Prophet forbade retaliation in any kind even at the time of persecution and ill-treatment of him and his followers in Mecca. He was against the holding of slaves except as prisoners captured during conflicts and his humane treatment of prisoners during a conflict was exemplary: no women, children, hermits or other non-combatants were to be harmed and that prisoners or slaves were to be fed the same food and clothed the same clothes as the Muslims themselves.
**here's some more"
He was a descendant of the Prophet Ismail the son of Prophet Ibrahim. -PBUT-
Prophet Muhammad PBUH was born in Mecca.
The year was 570 A.D.
Shortly after his birth his mother died.
His father was already dead before his birth. So he became orphan.
During this time his uncle Aboo Talib and his grand father Abdul-mutlib took care of him.
At the age of nine he started going on trade trips along with his uncle.
He met with people of different nations and religions during those trips.
His character was respected by all. People throughout Medina including the Jews gave him the name of “The Trustworthy.”
In one of his trips he met a Christian scholar, the scholar said to his uncle that he will one day do something great and I can see it because all the trees, mountains and sea are in the bow in front of him.
When he got 25, he got a proposal from Khadija for marriage which he accepted and thus they got married. Khadija was 40 years of age at the time of marriage.
For the first 54 years of his life he had only one wife. His only wife till 50th year of his life was Sayyida Khadija.
They had sons but they died in their childhood.
Prophet Muhammed married Sayyida Aicha when she was 9 years old. 1400 years ago it was something very common to marry young girls, in fact they were not considered young girls, and rather they were considered young women back then. It is a historic fact that girls from the ages of 9 to 14 were being married in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in fact even in the United States girls at the age of 10 were also being married just more than a century ago. Yet with these facts no historian claims that all these people were sick perverts, historians would call anyone who made such a claim to be arrogant and very stupid who has no grasp or understanding of history.
He never ate alone. He invited others and then ate with them.
He encouraged the washing of hands before and after eating food.
He regularly visited the poor and ill.
Upon visiting a person, he used to greet them and then take their permission before entering the house and encourage others to do the same as a mark of respect.
He used to mend his clothes, repair his shoes and sweep the floor as well as do the household shopping during his married life.
As people of Mecca at that time were involved in many sinful activities, like they killed their daughters, did drinking, rape, and killing of innocent people, Prophet Muhammad did not admire those activities at all and to have solitude and peace he went to cave Hira.
Once when he was in the cave Hira he saw Angel Gabriel there. The angel said to him « read in the name of Allah », Prophet Muhammad replied that I can neither read nor write I am an illiterate.
After Angel Gabriel came again with revelations, he started preaching Islam to people.
He used to preach to people, but avoided preaching to excess to avoid annoying people.
He sometimes prayed so much his legs swelled. In one incident, he was asked why he offered such an unbearable prayer and he replied with “Shall I not be a thankful slave (to Allah)?”
He sent letters to Kings and leaders beyond Arabia inviting them to Islam.
Pagans and Non-Muslims did harm to Prophet Muhammad PBUH and other Muslims by different means but Prophet Muhammad had patience and perseverance.
His Prophethood lasted for a long period of 23 years, during which he received Revelations from Allah.
He never proclaimed himself as anyone or anything Divine.
lets spread this knowledge and let the world know a little bit more about who the man behind world peace
and hope the world someday will be in peace again!
source :islamic-study.org - Wikipedia - ohfact.com - moroccoworldnews.com
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