Planet Earth: Way-station for Inter-dimensional, Extraterrestrial Travel

in #islam7 years ago (edited)

Say: Travel via the earth
then observe what was the
end of those who were (here)
before. Most of them were
(reptilian-human) hybrids.
Quran 30:42

The original seven volume anthology of scientific esoteric Black wisdom was conveyed in the griotic (hekau) of the spiritual Masters. Apprentices ('abos or "slaves") wrote down the 55 Masters' Wisdom and collated them into four Qurans.

Quran al-Hakiym 36:2 The Wise collection
Quran al-Majiyd 50:11 The Magnifying Collection
Quran al-Kariym 56:77 The Nobility Collection
Quran al-'Ajab 72:1 The Wonderous Collection

The Nobility Collection also contained the esoteric science of Mantras and was eventually divided into two. The four Qurans became the Seven Qurans and that is the truth behind the "history that originally the Quan was written in "Seven dialects". The seven Qurans were condensed into one collection, the Quran of today, and that is encoded in the "history" that all versions of the 7 Quran dialects were destroyed except the one in the Quraysh dialect, supposedly the prophet's own.

No such prophet existed. Mahmet or Mohammad (Muhemet) was the name given to the muse (musa) that was the faculty that permitted the Kaahins (seers) to download revelation. It (Muhammad) is the faculty of prophecy and is the equivalent to the Tehuti of Kamit. Those 55 Seers names survive as the "55 names of the prophet". It is interesting that supposed followers of Muhammad kill people for drawing pictures of a man who never physically existed. A copy if the Quran was discovered that pre-dates Muhammad. another myth bites the dust. From the surviving fragments contained in the Uthmanic Quran, a spiritual forensic scientist can re-construct the ancient Wisdom texts knowledge body. But to accomplish such a feat, all the made-up knowledge of the various sects and schools must be discarded.

"Behold I make all things new". it is written.

Many years ago Anu revealed to me that earth was and is a waystation for interplanetary and interdimensional travel.
In the Earth is a
waystation and an amusement
park for you until a time.
Quran 2:36

Most translators render mustagarr "resting-place" which is what a waystation or truck stop is. But what it really is a transportation hub. On long journeys the travellers use Earth as a stopover to replenish water, air and other essentials. Elijah Karim (the Honourable Elijah Muhammad) was the last messenger of the Age of Pisces. Some of what I teach he wasn't allowed to teach because it was not time for it then. But he dropped lots of hints. For example, he taught that the Mothership entered earth's atmosphere "to take on air" before resuming its journey. Some nuclear power plants are artificial portals between dimensions. Some mountains and ocean point like the Bermuda Triangle are not natural nexus points.

Praise be to Allah
Lord of the Dimensions.
Quran 1:1

Sometimes slaves were dropped off and sometimes new slaves are picked up (abducted). The various races resulted from slaves and even ruling-class E,T's who got stranded on waystation Earth. What we call time is a frequency and it's also possible to time travel via various points in the earth. So the Quran says travel via the earth and observe (not believe) the outcome of the beings who inhabited the planet before modern humans. "Most of them were hybrids". Mushrigeen means genetically joined or "grafted". Various skin diseases are throwbacks to a reptilian ancestor's DNA in modern man's body. Some people even shed skin like a snake.

This ayat elaborates on the topic:
Do they not travel via the
earth and see what was he result of those (who
were here) before them?
They were superior to them
in energy technology. They
cultivated the land and
populated it in greater numbers
than these have.
Quran 30:9

Aliens populated and ruled Earth and then joined their DNA code with mans. The descendants of these hybrids form the ruling class, the nobility, the finance Kings, the aristocracy, the presidents, prime ministers, popes, etc. of the world.

"And ye shall know the truth and it shall set you free".