The ignorance surrounding invisible illness

in #invisible8 years ago

I have anxiety and fibromyalgia and what frustrates me the most besides the illness is the ignorance i receive surrounding my conditions.

As people can't see what I am suffering with they come across that they think that I am making it up. Living life with the conditions is hard enough before you even add in the fact people judge you for the way you are feeling, the way you are walking, the fact that you are always feeling ill. If you are diagnosed with a chronic invisible illness you can't help the way you are.

My anxiety is the worst thing, it can affect me when i least expect it and it makes me almost going into myself, put on a protective shell and hide away from the world and then when i need to go out and do things whilst feeling like that it is really so exhausting.

I really wish that some how we could make the ignorance surrounding invisible physical and mental illnesses go away. It would make the world much happier for many people.