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RE: Why Steemit may fail, probably soon.

in #investments8 years ago (edited)

Not sure I agree. I've been here for as long as you - a week - and I've already made about $500. I don't believe the system is rigged, I just believe you have to go full force and make your presence (and your genuineness) known and you can make money. There is no real rhyme or reason, and there are TONS of people here. Having said that, you have to realize that the currency is not plentiful enough to go around evenly among everyone. It takes having viral content, or popular enough content to make any kind of money beyond mere pennies.
Don't just post content - also involve yourself with it as if it were your own local community. Treat people like human beings, post things with the intent to engage in conversation, and also be one to keep conversation going in other peoples' posts.
No lie, you're surrounded by bots and people who are here to try and make instant money from every little thing they post. It just doesn't happen like that. Post GENUINE content. Preferably original content. Sometimes you'll get 20-30 votes and maybe $30. Every now and then - if you're lucky - you might post something that strikes a chord with someone with a lot of influence and really start pulling in decent money. There are people here who, when they vote, can earn you triple-digit dollars. But you have to realize - THESE PEOPLE ARE FEW AND FAR BETWEEN compared to the sheer number of other members that are here.

It's not rigged. It's new. It's ramping up. And trust me, there are some people here who are counting on people to do what you're doing right now.


Basically thing that pissed me off was, I spent 200 bucks getting some merch made, shared it with the community got 2 dollars. Some chick does it get 8k, coolstory. I don't think I deserve anything but when I see all the effort I put in getting ignored for someone else doing the same shit, that happens to have tits its annoying as fuck to be honest.

it happens to most of us. I made a post where just the graphic alone for a Steem pill box took me all day. That wasn't including the rest of the post which took another day:)..but i totally turned my way of thinking and use steemit now as a way to learn and socialize and get to know more about as much as i can. Money can turn people sour very fast so i have moved away from that darkness and just create content now because i enjoy and like to help. Yeah i need money probably just as much as the next guy but i realize it cant be done with the flick of a switch on steemit.

Can't reply to your other post, but I got a quality brand hat made with Steemit logo stiched into it custom made. Also a t shirt. Nothing special but yeah...once I seen someone made...tbh lower quality merch but got 8k cause they female I just gave up lol.

Keep it, keep wearing it. Keep posting pics of yourself doing stuff while wearing it. Think of this place like a roaring river that you're standing in just trying to keep your footing. The moment you give up, downstream you go. Don't let that happen.

i did the same,lol...but i haven't run with it yet, and it was before any of those posts went up, but i have a idea i will run with soon.

Yeah I guess. But it's hard to seperate emotion tho man. Once you feel "beaten" down it's hard to get back on the horse. I tried to "Live off steem for 30 days" thought that'd be interesting, bring some advertising onto the streets, contact radio stations etc.

No one gave a fuck tho they just want to see tits, so i'm pretty much going to delete all my former content and go back to what I do best on the internet and that is trolling.

Yeh before I joined Steemit I was a compassionless internet troll who wasn't valued so posted shit.

Atleast that shit was fun, putting so much effort into stuff is stressful and hard only to be ignored.

i am interested what merch did you get done?

Look at it this way: Some people start full businesses and put in their entire life's savings only for it to fail. This is peanuts by comparison.

Brah, I was getting 50-100 votes consistantly on every post.

Idk why the fuck the whales are just upvoting for tits you think they'd have a lil more creativity with that sort of mooney behind them?

and idk man, I want to believe it will suceed but like I said everyone i've brought in has jumped out saying it's toxic within a week, I even knw a lot on this site I don't know personally have done the same.

It either comes across as a pyramid scheme, rigged, or run by thirsty perves.

I prb sound salty, it's half that and half nt giving a fuck what people think of my name anymore.

What we think of the whales is moot. They run the show. We can either accept it or not. Either way, they're going to stay whales. Don't worry about them. In fact, don't even target them. It's YOU who needs to be a target for THEM.

Also, lucky you on getting 50-100 votes consistently! That's freaking awesome! That's one hell of a momentum you've got going. Don't let yourself get discouraged now. Geez, I myself haven't even seen that many votes on any of my posts. I've gotten 29 on one once. Didn't make more than about 11 cents on that one either. See what I mean about rhyme & reason? There is none. Just....keep going.
As best I can tell, the strength for those of us having the hardest time pulling in much attention at all is to be positive and consistent. Negativity doesn't seem to make money, so why bother? Besides, it's bad for you. Stay positive and KEEP GOING.

Yeah I know wht you mean man...but that's what make me think it is rigged. The whales only seem to target the same people the only truly kind whale i've PERSONALLY dealt with is pharesism and he's the only reason I fully haven't given up and only 99% given up.

One whale has a thread where he tells ppl he will exclusively only upvote certain ppl etc, it's all sorta fucked. atleast on reddit the people get to decide what's hot and not, now it's just some millionares....

this is just like real lief, you think I come online to feel like part of the 99% 24/7? naw I try to escape my wretched life as a broke middle class peon who will never rise above....

anyway man, don't take all my ramblings serious just trying to vent, I appreciate your attempt to uplift me tho, let's see what happen i'm not feeling it atm tho.

Geez, man. I just looked at your wallet. You outrank me. By a lot. You've got one hell of a start.
It's a big fucking train, man. Huge. Some of us will just naturally have more freight to get up to speed than others, for whatever reason (re: tits). I think I've posted some photo work that is some of my best work, for example. Work that I think wipes the floor with some of the other photos I've seen, but their photos got the votes and the money. Is that fair? Eh...that's subjective. It's not the quality of an image that might get attention, but the subject matter within it. Something about those other photos spoke to the voters over mine. Why? Who knows - you'd have to ask those voters. The point is, you can't predict it. So some of our excitement should probably remain shelved until we see what happens. The fact that we're even able to make money here at all is a fucking miracle of technology. Yunno?

Man you can't really look at it that way. I actually addressed the pyramid scheme feeling sales pitch in my first pool meeting on my post. Check it out!

I upvoted this because I laughed a bit ..Thanks

Got to say I agree. The comment ratio to post seems to be improving these past few days. Commenting is just as important as submissions and needs to be encouraged.

What's the percentage ratio on that?