An interview with Steemit's CEO and Co-Founder Ned Scott - Part Two

in #investments9 years ago (edited)

Bill Cassidy interviews Steemit's CEO and Co-Founder Ned Scott 

Part Two

Here is part one in case you didn't get the chance to listen to it yet. 

#investments #steemit  #steem  #publishing  #cryptocurrency  #altcoins  #bitcoin  


@juicyg This is a really great interview, but what's going on with the audio? Maybe it's my computer but it sounds like you're in a tin can.
If you don't mind my asking, what software did you use to record this and also how did you encode it?

The audio quality seems fine to me. I guess it may have something to do with your setup.

That's really ! cool! what awaits us all in the future?

Don't we all wanna know the answer to that? :) Steemit is still in beta. Lots of stuff to look forward to I guess.

I hope the road-map of data can truly stay in the hands of the people. Without "us" there really is no "you". Thanks Steemit

I guess this is the first community driven platform. It's all about the community. When everyone's heading in the same direction there is no "us" and "them".