The Future of Peercoin
Since the Bitcoin halving, and the block rewards being much lower, many SHA-256 miners have been moving to PPC a hybrid PoW/PoS system that has become much more profitable to mine than Bitcoin.
Vitalik Buterin's review, ,and interest in PPC , coupled with a slow consolidation of coins in china and elsewhere, has lead to speculation that it will come into its own.
PPC block reward before halving was: 71 PPC, 2 days after the halving 64 PPC, and currently: 60.18 . PPC block reward keeps dropping as the difficulty keeps rising. With less and less selling pressure from miners as time progresses.
Which ltc, btc, and nmc will have to to wait 4 years for.
The last month Chinese exchanges have shown, bigger positions are being built, shakeouts and consolidation, and a noteworthy increase in trade volume across all exchanges the most obvious being BTC38 . Chinese PPC wallets on BTC38 now have accumulated 1,953,840 PPC more than doubled in the last month
along with an ever growing OBV .
This image circulated the forums and exchanges a month or so back,showing a very clear intent, price was at $0.36
as of April 2015 the economic model has begun to function as intended.
PPC is a hybrid PoW/PoS system with continually declining distribution through PoW and security through PoS. The interesting part is that all transaction fees are destroyed rather than being paid to a given minter. This provides a deflationary force that will have a greater network affect as the PoW block reward declines and all that is left is the 1% annual inflation from proof-of-stake minters (consistent incentive to secure network regardless of transaction fee volume). Instead of coins exchanging hands from those already in possession of them, a majority of newly minted coins goes to those PoW miners (for the time being). It's maintained ~$0.36+ for more than a year now at the current selling pressure from PoW miners. Now that the coinbase reward is dropping with a more significant rate of change, the benefits of this economic model will be realized.
In summary, if you are NOT a noise trader, and are one looking for a 3, 6,12 month position.The time is now while price suppression is in place. Slow growth is the key, noise traders live for volatility, a long term trader sits back and watches the jockeying for position.
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more information can be found here
If you are day trading a coin, this may be good, but....Over the past year, I haven't found value in Peercoin other than "just another alt-coin that hasn't turned into vaporware yet".
Any investment goes hand in hand with risk, but the numbers speak for themselves, This coin has a future where many will not :)
Looks like time to start paying attention again ;)

Scaling in ;)
You wrote this 11 months ago about Peercoin. The price then was only around $0.46 USD and now it's up to $1.93 USD
Pretty big change in less than a year!
I AGREE! Thank you for posting. Hope you get this to snowball to the top!
I up-voted you too... BTW, should steemit let us steemers advertise using steem? Be sure to tell everyone you know to come vote here at:
This is a democratic community decision.

can anyone tell me how many votes you need to get any return at all?
I would like to add information to this post, but it seems that im not allowed, any ideas?
Good points in this post. Same mindset here. The popularity of the cryptos is currently determined by the biggest group of uneducated investors in man kind. It's an interesting world we live in. Does anyone know about: They give great insights in the team, the product, advisors, community, the business and the business model and other techincal insights. For example: To see the: Peercoin Investment and research analysis.
Thx, that is a very handy resource :)
Well almost a full year later, and its grown in usd value, Approx 5 times. But the market cycle against BTC has almost retraced to where we where a year ago, the same fundamentals still hold true. Keep an eye on the market you will now when its time to enter again ;)

Trend looks to be changing