Millennials Investing in Crypto For Retirement ...hmmmm...

in #investment6 years ago (edited)

forbes article.JPG

Hola Fellow Steem Peeps!

Okay I admit I might be late to the world of crypto but it’s still so new to the masses that I think I’ve arrived right on time!

January 2018 is when I dove in, accepting cryptocurrency for payment for my health/wellness services.

Now I just read an article that makes me excited for the future, I’m a very live in the now spur of the moment kind of person ... hence why I decided to come to Bali and was on the plane in less than 10 hours! And why I went to Costa Rica for a week and needed up never leaving and making it home ha! However my father always talks about retirement funds and that’s probably because he’s getting closer to that age... for me it’s not something I particularly worry or think about.

However I just read an article in Forbes about “Millennials Investing in Cryptocurrency For Retirement Funds”
(Millennial’s age 22-37)

Millennials are doing anything they can to get their hands on cryptocurrencies, so much so that college students are using their financial aid to buy bitcoin and other digital currencies!
Smart in my opinion...

The article also states that 66.2% of millennials have NOTHING saved for their future ( I’m part of that 66.2 percent because I don’t have a retirement plan of any sort it’s never appealed to me )

So cryptocurrencies being used to save for the future is stayed to be revolutionary if the concept catches on!

Millennials are also the largest percentage investing in Bitcoin and digital assets... cuz we take risks, most of the boomers prefer the comfort and security of banks and governments and being told what to do and when to do it... sad but true!

While the risky nature of the crypto market scares some, millennials seem to be finding major opportunities in the risks involved!

The article concludes that “While the idea of using cryptocurrencies to save for retirement funds is still a very new concept, the solution for mass adoption lies within the creation of the correct technology to accommodate the growth.
Millennials are using cryptocurrencies to save for future giving hope to the younger generation with a new sense of hope and even more opportunities for a secure future.”

All in all YES PLEASE!! Bitcoin and digital assets for the future is just the beginning and I think I’m right on time to reap the benefits :)


To the Mooooon !

Keep up the good work!!