Trumps Crypto-President Bangs The Drum For Decentralized Currencies

in #investing2 years ago

Donald Trump is no stranger to the crypto world. As an entrepreneur, he has been involved in the crypto space for a long time. In fact, his company has even expanded into blockchain technology, making it one of the biggest in the field.

But now Trump is putting his money where he says he is in favor of decentralized currencies.

In an interview with Fox News, Trump said he was frustrated with the way central banks handled control of the money supply and their monopoly on currency creation. That's why he thinks a decentralized currency would be better for everyone involved.

Trump isn't the only one in favor of cryptocurrencies, either. Several other world leaders have also expressed interest in decentralized currencies and how they can help solve some of the problems they face with traditional currencies like USD or EUR. .

In fact, last year when China tried to ban ICOs (initial coin offerings), Japan conducted its own token sale after being pressured by China to do so. The Japanese government also recently announced that it wants to be the first country in the world to accept cryptocurrencies as legal tender.