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RE: Seven Baby Steps To Becoming a Millionaire in Cryptos - For Dummies

in #investing7 years ago

I'm sorry but the logic seems flawed. What if none of your first two investments goes ten X?
What if out of the first 2 ICOs you end up with $50.

There is no rule that out of every 2 ICOs one will go 10X

Go through the exercise without assuming one of 2 must go 10X and you have a vastly poorer result


Thanks for commenting. No, this is not an actual investment strategy, but rather, this is a working model of a summary of my understanding of the teachings of Warren Buffet. That being, that you only need 6 good picks to become rich (Buffets words, not mine), and the model that I put forth is one hypothetical example, among thousands, where it demonstrably plays out.

P.S. I might add that I never even hinted that one out of every 2 ICO's would 10 X. (your words, not mine). Anyone can virtually guarantee that 9 out of 10 ICO's will fail. But I will venture to surmise that one out of two of top ICO's will likely 10X - many have 100 x, and some have grown in multiples of thousands. Perhaps they will make up for the lesser performers of the better ICO's. All told, nothing is certain in this market, and no one should invest that which they cannot afford to lose.