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RE: Are we witnessing the end of Germany

in #invasion8 years ago

And just 2 points if the OP is still reading.

First, When Americans or Canadians move somewhere, they are called "Ex-Pats" and they don't assimilate. Just think of those people as Turkish Ex-Pats.

And, say a Turkish person were to move to Germany, and become a Patriotic, Flag waving, German. Then they call their parents and cousins and everyone, and tell them "Germany is great, I love it, you guys should come here". Some come and visit, and they decide it's nice, and maybe they can get better pricing on things there, and maybe their degree or trade is worth more in Germany. So the original Patriotic, Flag waving German Turk's family starts moving there. 2 generations later, there is now an extended family in Turkey that has many relatives in Germany. And maybe some of them move there.

Do they all have to become Patriotic, Flag waving, Germans? Is it not ok if they still see themselves as Turkish?

If you moved to Germany, would you not still be a Canadian?


I agree with your points and in a perfect world thats the way it should be. My point with all of this is to ask, especially of anyone who is on the ground in these countries, are you concerned with the endless flood of "refugees" who are just walking in by the tens of thousands and who are mostly men of fighting age? Does that concern anyone?

In your article it said British Police agree with Trump, so did a Terror expert, on Fox News. Then the whole thing was disproven.

Terror Expert

Here is a discussion about it not being True

And here is Fox News Apologizing for their Error, yes Error.