An Intimidating Yokai Muscle Warrior Duo TotemsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #inuyasha3 days ago

This piece of Sesshoumaru and Shuran fan art is dedicated to my dad, who celebrated his birthday four days ago. So, Dad, I hope you had an amazing birthday. I wish you a lot of love, joy, prosperity, beauty, strength, fortitude, and courage in your life. This is also dedicated to the people who find a strong friendship between Sesshoumaru and Shuran absolutely worthwhile because of their roles as big brothers and extremely formidable warriors. Sit back, relax, and revel in Sesshoumaru's and Shuran's intimidating power and unrelenting muscle power as a pair of scary muscle wrestlers.

43 going on 44-year-old Sesshoumaru the dog yokai warrior lord and 42 going on 43-year-old Shuran the panther yokai warrior executioner are a terrifying duo of single-dad muscle wrestlers never to be messed with. Even their children and grandchildren have learned so much from them in terms of physical strength and astounding endurance. Sesshoumaru's stupendous super strength and Shuran's gargantuan grandiosity are what enable them to exude abundant power and intimidate their enemies to their core. None of their opponents will have repose, rest, or peace when these voracious warlords conquer them to submission.

Sesshoumaru's and Shuran's astounding collaboration and combination of muscles, power, strength, glory, conquest, triumph, and formidability have made them exceed in every battle inside and outside the wrestling ring. Sesshoumaru is a formidable warlord in Brazilian Professional Wrestling acclaimed for his Hell's gate submission holds, Walls of Jericho, and Kimura locks. Shuran is an overpowering warrior executioner in Mongolian Professional Wrestling acclaimed for his bearhugs, Canadian backbreaker racks, torture racks, and gorilla presses. Together, they make a phenomenally formidable force.

I hope you all enjoyed this, and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and remember to keep on building your strength like Sesshoumaru and Shuran do.

Sesshoumaru and Shuran from Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.
An Intimidating Muscle Warrior Yokai Duo Totem.jpg