Philosophy of happiness - video 01 - introduction
Hello everyone, the time has come for me to step out of my comfort zone of writing and step into this fun stuff with videos. I have decided to start doing this because there are people who enjoy videos more than they do reading posts and since my goal is to reach as many people as possible with my message, there will be videos in my posts from now on too. So here is the first video that explains what will all this be about. Hope you guys enjoy it.
I am using a plain white wall as my background but I have a green screen in mind for the future and am looking into the prices of reflectors to make these things look more professional and nice. For now, you will have to bear with me and my white wall :)
What will I talk about?
Philosophy of happiness is a way of life and I will bring many techniques, exercises and advice on how to be the best you that you can be. You are powerful and strong enough for everything you want and capable of doing great things in and with your life. Sometimes, you will need encouragement and a gentle push towards your goals. Philosophy of happiness will always be there for you, you can even ask questions in the comments and receive answers in my videos about specific situations and problems. Sometimes I will give you homework that you can (but don't need to) do, NLP lessons, meditation advice and personal experiences. I will talk about dealing with anxiety, overcoming panic attacks and fear of public speaking, social behaviour, acquiring new knowledge and learning techniques.
"The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go." Dodinsky
You can WIN 1 SBD every time I make a video!
In every video that I make, I will ask a question that you can answer in the comments below this post. You will have 24 hours to write your answer and I will award the best answer with 1 SBD and a little promotion in my next video. I will go to your page, read a couple of your posts and say something about you and your work in my next video. All you have to do is upvote this post and leave a comment with your answer. The first question and your first chance of winning is in my first introduction video so if you haven't already, go ahead and watch it.

How often will these videos be published?
My goal is to publish one video a day (and give 30 SBD-s a month with them that way) but I can not make any promises that I will be able to do it right away. This is my long-term goal to reach. In the beginning, maybe I will do them every day, maybe every two or three days and maybe once a week until I get the hang of it, and it all depends on your responses as well, so be sure to leave me your insights. I will not stop doing my written posts so all of you who don't enjoy videos and prefer my blog the way it is, don't worry, I am still here in the written form too.
"There is no beauty in sadness. No honour in suffering. No growth in fear. No relief in hate. It's just a waste of perfectly good happiness." Katerina Stoykova Klemer
Highlights of today's video
In this first video I have covered the basic introduction stuff:
- why am I doing this and how
- why people need to be reminded to be happy
- what will you get from all this and how
- made a question for all of you to answer and get a chance to win 1 SBD

For more information about what philosophy of happiness is and some posts that I have made on this subject please follow these links:
- A land of mental disorders
- Embarrassment weed
- Monsters are real but...
- Why and how do we learn
- How to train your brain
- Do you KNOW how to love?
- What is philosophy of HAPPINESS?
Don't worry about the funny faces and if you're making mistakes. We all make mistakes. We all have our face expressions. No need to apologise for it. I think you are on the right path to being a whale, aswell as making peoples lives a little bit better, as long as they actually watch your video and actually listen to what you are saying.
You have my 2 cents anytime. :)
For your question... My last day wouldn't be parachuting or climbing a mountain, or any other bucket list wish.
My last day would be spent with people who I love, as long as they would love to spend it with me aswell. I don't know what would we talk about or if we would listen to music. What I do know is I wouldn't let any of them cry, I want to go out with a bang, with the best party, and with the biggest smiles! Why is it sad that I'm leaving this life? Was I not good enough when I lived? They can be sad a little bit, and cry a little bit, I do not mind, but that is after I go to the other side. I find sadness and crying for loved ones who passed away a relief. But I don't want their lives to stop for couple of months or god forbid years...
The material things I would like to have on that day is a couple of glasses of johnnie (no ice) and a pack of smokes. I also hope that I have the time to say all I had and that others said what they had to me. So we have a proper closure and then... then even in death, I am spreading good vibes. :)
I never really thought about my last day, and thank you for the question. Keep it up and don't be nervous or shy my dear, you have no reason to. <3
Thank you for your encouragement and kind words, every input and a piece of advice is valuable to me.
Your answer is great, it is important to spend as much time with our loved ones as we can and I love that it is important to you to spread good vibes 💚
Always, frankly, I'm not very good with advices in vlog area cause I don't have any vlogs, but encouragement and motivation is what I can offer. :) Thank you, many people forget the loved ones, just because they saw them everyday for god knows how many years. Remembering little things is what I appreciate the most. Looking forward to more of your vlogs! 💚
What i'm saying to everyone: live your life like there is no tomorrow, one day you will be right. :)
:D Yes, one day, you will be right. Thank you for your answer. 💚
Great first video - you don't look like you are new to video creation at all! The introduction was concise and to the point and the fact that you are giving away a reward shows your benevolence towards Steemit users.
If I become aware that today is my last day the first thing that will strike me is how much work I have left to do! But seriously, the last day can be quite humbling and all I would want to do is to reach out to my near and dear ones and tel them what they have always meant to me.
An important thing I would do is to handover important details like my password and account details to my next of kin because I have seen too often that it is the last thing on anyone's mind. No one expects that his or her life will end so soon and a common mistake is to hold on to important details which if handed over can make a big difference to those who are left behind.
Looking forward to more of your videos!
Thank you for your valuable input and a great answer. 💚
I agree that a lot of people forget those important details that will make life easier for the living when a person passes away.
As Mujo said: I would pack my bags, take my wife and children, and travel directly to Germany! ahahaha I needed to :D
Good luck with your vlogs, I'm glad you stepped out of your comfort zone! It will get easier and easier with time! Much support to you...
I didn't leave any meaningful comment but I wanted to share some laughter :D
You made me laugh, thanks for that :) And thank you for your support 💚
Maybe next question I will answer more seriously, but I wanted to start your vlog days with laughter and glad I made it :))
Much love!
first of i salute your new idea and series of post and i hope for the best! Also about the video don't worry about the background it doesn't matter at all! i agree that that there are many positive things that happen along with the bad ones ofc but it's not only that we ''consume'' them most it's that the media don't show anything about it even though people have bored to always listen to bad things. ( i don't wanna keep it going and make any theories as to why this is keeps going on)
I am waiting to see your next videos about the philosophy of happiness, i don't wanna take part in the competition i think the prize can make others happier :Pbut i want to say that both the idea of rewarding people for answering a question and thus making a comment is really clever. Also a big thanks that you took the time to both make the video and write it as a post! you could just easily upload only the video but you didn't
Ahh before i forget it, you can upload it via dtube or dlive and earn from there too!
Thank you for your lovely comment and kind words. Dtube is often not working and dlive is well, LIVE :)
When I get more relaxed and used to this video stuff I will definitely start using dlive, for now, with my ten takes to make one good one, dlive is too risky, but I am excited to try it out in the future.
Nice words you spoke there my friend and great topic you picked! Also, congrats on great courage on the first video putting out! :D I agree that your happiness is important, but with good health comes great part of that happiness, so for me, health is way ahead in the first place before anything else. I have a lot of experience with health problems of people that surround me every day. Some of physical some of psychic nature, but they all have in common a lack of happiness. And the thing is that this kind of state affects you just being around this people and trying to help them, sometimes indirectly sometimes directly, but it takes even your happiness away even if you are the healthy one. So tnx for giving a shout out for this case, it is indeed necessary to remind people from time to time to put a smile on their faces. :) MeGy
Thank you for your kind words. I know that other people affect us, especially with their negative energy but only if we allow them. Your positivity is more powerful than you realize 💚 You could be a superhero and affect them :)
(if this big announcement bothers you in some way just say the word and I'll remove it, this is only to advertise the contest so other people may join, and for reminding the contestants when to vote)
@zen-art So glad you decided to start making your own vlog Petra, great idea with a giveaway, as you said you will get only better and better, but just to give you my input, you are really watchable and have things to say so no problems there, get that green screen going, let's put you in space 😃
Hahaha, yeah in space, volcano, deep sea :) Anything is possible.
@zen-art yes anything, be prepared for an adventure on your green screen its a trip :)
ask @olegw for the technicalities